Category Archives: Story

How the Army Buried Me in the Ground


stories by CREUSSHere is a real story again.

It happened about 25 years ago when I was a soldier. I spent 7 years in the army from age 17 to age 24. We were all professionals, that has to be said, as the military service still existed in those days. As the “elite” of the army, discipline was hard and rough so punishment for misconduct or any failure could be severely inflicted.  We were quite often training in battlefield conditions. Usually, it was a matter of 3 nights and 4 days per training session but it could be longer, of course.

You probably noticed that when you are in a barracks, there is always a place used and/or called the “prison.”  It is not always pleasant to visit, but it happens.  Anyway, when you are outdoors for a few days, there isn’t a fixed prison, so the officers (I am unable to share with you the exact division of the army that I belonged to, let it suffice to say that we were the crème de la crème and the best of the best) have found a simple way to handle “convicts” for over a century – sorry, no pix available.

Here is my first experience:

Actually, I will start my story as my punishment began.  All day long, we were undergoing map reading and compass training. But for some reason I got lost and got back to the campsite quite late – far too late, actually.  I was yelled at until my commander was hoarse and would be punished overnight for my inability to follow orders.

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By Prisoner

When the game becomes pain and the fantasy real.

I was 19 when I first came out to California from Iowa. It was simple, really, I moved to San Francisco because I couldn’t take Des Moines any longer. Even now, there’s not a whole lot a gay kid can do in Iowa. I figure I’m pretty good looking, light brown hair, hazel eyes and a smooth swimmers build. In fact, in high school I was captain of the swim team. Anyway, I figured I’d do alright in the Gay capital of the world.

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The Meat Locker

By Nightbrawler240

When I bid on the slaughterhouse in sheriff’s sale I was ecstatic when I was informed the transaction went through.  Having a background in engineering and architecture pays off when you have a devious mind such as mine.  The first thing I did upon entering the building was to see what was left, what was salvageable, and what was to be removed.  That was over a year ago, and now, for the last two months, I now have a fully automated “dungeon” in the privacy of an inconspicuous building where one would expect to hear all types of sounds.

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Stepson’s Doom

By Chained Muscle

This story was written by Kronmire and illustrated by Amalaric

Colton Murray wiped his dripping brow as he paused in the back-breaking labor of lifting yet another bale of spring hay into the barn loft of his family farm. Just the thought of “family farm” made him wince — his mother had remarried Les Caldwell just a year before her own death from cancer. Now the farm belonged to his stepfather, and since the trust set up by his mother with a large fund for his schooling was also under Caldwell’s control, Colt had to obey the stern, unloving man at least until he turned 25.

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A New Hood for Peter

By CHP Dehners

It all started off as a thought composed from a thousand images and hundreds of conversations. A distillation of so many vibrations that all lead to the cock!

Tonight I’m going to install the hood that took years to make.  A second to design, one thought that lead me on the pursuit of perfection.  Riding down an escalator to the subway, the thought came and I saw the hood all at once.  My cock responded by growing hard in my jeans … I knew it was the one.

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I Sighed

Author unkown

I sighed, and kept waiting. What else could i do? I was in my sleep sack and to make sure I moved as little as possible, master added several belts over it. I sighed again, the gasmask with rebreather balloon makes it hard on you after a while. I felt a droplet of water falling down on my face, it must be at least an hour I was in this state. Master said He had a surprise for me when he’d be back. Dunno when that’ll be. I was intrigued… a surprise… Once he locked me up in cage for 3 days, I didn’t like that surprise. Another time we went to a good restaurant and had a superb meal with really good wine. I liked that surprise a lot.

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