Category Archives: Story

Strongman – Part 01

By Peter B. and Art Intelli

Chapter One: The Chain

I never knew my parents, they had died when I was very young, and I was raised by my big brother.  I was a terrible brat to him, but he always dealt with me fairly and calmly.  He was everything to me.  Just as our relationship was really starting to click, he was killed in a car crash halfway through my senior year of high school.  Although I somehow managed to graduate, in the three years since then, I have been a total fuck-up.

By the time I reached my early 20s I had already been floating from job to job, barely scraping by, living in one of those run-down SROs with peeling wallpaper and thin walls. The kind of place where you hear everything, but no one talks to you unless they need something. I never had two cents to rub together, just enough to get by. Just enough to stay invisible.

But lately, things had gotten worse. Rent was months overdue, and the landlord had made it clear that tomorrow, if I didn’t pay up, I was out. He didn’t care that I was barely keeping my head above water. In his eyes, I was just another body taking up valuable space.

Continue reading Strongman – Part 01

Earned Punishment

By mclioncub

Recently, I made a voluntary decision to miss my scheduled visitation with Sir.  I knew that I risked the chance that punishment would result but I took that chance.  Just to provide a little background, I am in servitude to Sir and Master.  Although I do not live in their household, I am required to be there every Sunday without exception.  Outside of death or incarceration, there is no acceptable reason for missing this schedule.  There were some extraneous circumstances that led up to missing my duties, however, when it ultimately came down to this Sunday, I could have completed my visit.  Without going into inconsequential details, suffice it to say, I made the decision to miss that day.

As the week progressed, before my next visit, during our daily exchanges, Sir did indicate that I should expect some form of punishment for my disobedience.  I was not surprised or taken back by the fact that I would have to receive punishment.

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My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 03

By Hunter Perez

“Don’t panic, Bingo,” I said to myself. “Try to stay calm and keep your movements to a bare minimum.”

Keeping still was not a problem, considering I was hogtied with a heavy tarp on top of me and a dirty mattress underneath me. The horse bit gag in my mouth shut off my ability to speak, the zip tie-connected manacles kept my wrists and ankles in place, and the chastity cage kept my cock locked within a tight metallic confinement. The only unfettered movement I could make involved the raising and lowering of my head, and I constantly tried to look up to the vent separating my imprisonment from the driver’s cabin where Jock was talking back to a sports radio show while he sped me to Pittsburgh.

Not panicking, however, was another matter. I had no idea what awaited me once Jock handed me over to the officials that wanted me in jail. Would anyone listen to me once I got to Pittsburgh? Would they acknowledge that this was all a mistake and that my case was dismissed five years ago? Or would they be like Jock and ignore my protestations while making me a prisoner?

Continue reading My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 03

My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 02

By Hunter Perez

“This can’t be happening!” I yelled as Jock unlocked his handcuffs and began to walk over to me. “I’m your best friend. You can’t arrest your best friend. And you shouldn’t even be arresting me. My case was dismissed five years ago.”

“Bingo, it’s better that I take you into custody instead of having you arrested by a stranger,” he replied in an unsmiling manner. “And my boss filled me in regarding your case. It wasn’t dismissed – it was only postponed. Please, we can leave for Pittsburgh now ahead of the rush hour traffic and get there in about five hours. I’d rather not have to transport you in restraints, but if you don’t cooperate I will have to restrain you.”

“I know I have the paperwork from that attorney in Pittsburgh,” I said, growing frantic. “It’s either in my closet or in my dresser. I can show you if you let me find it.”

Continue reading My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 02

My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 01

By Hunter Perez

I couldn’t believe my good fortune – there I was, sitting in a steamy sauna with JimmyUSMC luxuriating next to me while showing off his tattoo-decorated muscles.

“Oh, Jimmy,” I purred as I examined the intricate designs inked across his hard body. “I haven’t had such a visceral artistic experience since the Tom of Finland exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Detroit.

Jimmy winked at me as he flexed his right arm’s bicep under the face. “I bet you’d like to sip the sweat off my muscles, Bingo. Go ahead, take a taste.”

I puckered my lips and closed my eyes while moving closer to his arm. But then, a series of shrill buzzes filled my ears. I opened my eyes and found myself alone in my bed while the distinctive odor of bad cooking wafted in from the kitchen. I sat up and groaned.

“Simon, are you trying to make breakfast again?” I yelled out.

Continue reading My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 01

Jail Training Center – Part 02

By slaveobjectx

I flew from London to Atlanta. Atlanta airport is something else! Huge. For whatever reason, I was pulled over for a search coming through Customs. My suitcase was mostly taken up with my leather gear and boots but the black lady sifting through my stuff must have seen it all before. Not even the hint of a knowing smile. Finally I was waved through and there was Mike waiting for me.

I knew that The Center was not actually in Atlanta but I had not expected it to be some thirty miles north, through a commuter town and then through countryside until we arrived at an area filled with up-market, large houses, most with swimming pool and very much sitting cheek by jowl. One was overlooked in all directions. We parked and entered through the main door to the house. How different it used to be for the inmates of The Academy! The illusion of jail was maintained through picking them up at the airport in a prepared van with blackened windows. As such they would have seen nothing of the seeming normality of the setting of The Academy in an oasis of respectability.

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Jail Training Center – Part 01

By slaveobjectx

I had known it as the Academy Training Center. It only advertised in the pages of Drummer, the pioneering gay BDSM magazine, which all leathermen were addicted to if they could get hold of it. It was banned in the UK. I picked up copies if I visited NYC or Amsterdam. Jack Fritscher also wrote an article for Drummer about The Academy, and this is still available online. My memories provide a kind of partial coda to that account and also give a slightly different, and I believe truer version, of how The Academy ended and The Jail Training Center came into being.

For those of you who know nothing of The Academy, I’ll fill you in a little here. It started in the late 1980s and, at that time, was situated in Missouri. What it offered — at a hefty price — was a ‘real’ jail experience. I say ‘real’ because it differed in some interesting ways from a true jail experience. It’s an undoubted fact that the guards were recruited from either serving or ex-serving prison guards and police officers. But sex was in no way part of the equation.

Continue reading Jail Training Center – Part 01

26 and 27

By surfbot

(Note: You will not understand the characters and their relationships unless you first read my story “Abductions R Us.”)

Wow! Here was 26 in all his naked glory, in my house, with his chastity key, and asking to stay the night! I could not have dreamed of a better offer. So after our erstwhile guards had left, we joyously went into the bedroom, removed our chastity devices, and had passionate sex.

Then a surprise: after a single orgasm he began putting his chastity device back on. “I thought you said you had been wearing it for over a month — is one enough? He replied, “You have never met a guy as submissive as me, and yes, one is enough.” Thinking about that for a few seconds, I held out my hand. “While you are in my house and locked, I’ll hold your key.” He hesitated, and I continued, “I’ll give it back to you when you leave.” He placed it in my hand, and I turned and put it in my clothes cabinet. He continued “Don’t worry, my holes are still available to you, as often as you want to use them,” and over the next hour I came in both.

Continue reading 26 and 27