Category Archives: Story

Twenty-First Century Slavery – Part 03

By convict 975468

Seated at the table in a tent at the center of the open area were the camp superintendent and several of the higher ranking guards.  They were talking with the military doctor assigned to the camp on a part time basis.  He was supposed to see to the medical needs of the guards and the prisoners, and advise the superintendent with regard to sanitation.

The doctor was expressing his concerns about the lack of bathing facilities for the prisoners.  He was not concerned about the plans for disposing of human waste on a temporary basis, but emphasized the need for washing.  The superintendent explained that the program and the camp had been established by executive order of the president, and that Congress had not yet approved the enabling legislation nor appropriated the funds.  Under these circumstances, there was not enough money to provide everything needed.

Continue reading Twenty-First Century Slavery – Part 03

Twenty-First Century Slavery – Part 02

By convict 975468

On the third or the fourth day—it was hard to keep track of time–the 12 civilian prisoners were allowed to dress in their own clothes.  Then they were chained up and moved by truck to the airfield, where they were taken into a military plane and locked to benches running along the side.  After a flight of several hours, they landed at another military base.  MP’s boarded the plane and unchained them from the benches.  They were led off the plane to an army truck, placed in the back, and secured.

Upon arriving at the base stockade, they were removed from the vehicle and led inside.  They went through two barred doors into a room with barred doors leading in several directions.  Their handcuffs and leg irons were removed and they were told to strip and put their clothes in the plastic bag given to each of them.  They were taken through the barred door to their right into what turned out to be a shower area.  They were sprayed with a foul smelling chemical and after a few minutes were allowed to shower it off.  They were issued olive-drab towels.  When they were dry, they were returned to the first room. The bags containing their clothes were gone, replaced by two stacks of skivvies and tee shirts.  One of the MPs said, “Civilians are not allowed to wear a uniform, so you’ll have to make do with these.”

Continue reading Twenty-First Century Slavery – Part 02

Twenty-First Century Slavery – Part 01

By convict 975468

Ted was summoned to appear before the local Citizens Council, with a warning to report or be arrested.  He wasn’t particularly concerned, but figured he might be confronted about some of his postings online. The worst he expected was perhaps to be harassed and instructed not to continue to post.  He decided to show up dressed casually.  He wore a nice pair of jeans, a polo shirt, and a light jacket.

As he approached the council office in the courthouse, he was stopped by a man in an intimidating black uniform with silver buttons and a silver insignia on his collar.  The officer ordered Ted to stop and demanded his driver’s license.  He examined the license and consulted a list attached to a clipboard. He then clipped Ted’s license to the board and told Ted to stand facing the wall with his toes touching it and his hands clasped behind his head.  When Ted objected, three other officers dressed in the same uniform appeared – each wielding a nightstick.  Ted was told to be silent and face the wall as ordered.  Realizing he didn’t have much choice, he did what he was told.  Ted didn’t realize that this was but the first of many humiliations he would suffer.

Ted, 35, at 6 feet and 185 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, was still buffed and in great shape.  He had had to struggle most of his adult life. Even though many jobs were being shipped overseas, Ted was lucky and at 18 got a good job at a cabinet factory.  He married his high school sweetheart, April.  They were able to buy a nice house, and in time had two kids.  Things were going great till the cabinet plant shut down.

Continue reading Twenty-First Century Slavery – Part 01

Pleroma – Part 08

By Taurus

Part 8 – Zeroth Dangerous Threshold

Matt was, for once, entirely stunned.


As if bewitched, Luke moved past his locker of personal items as if he forgot what clothes were, and sat like a dog next to Matt, who was working hard to record his testing results, until Luke did something unprecedented.

Having folded up his fingers, Luke, with his right hand like a paw, reached past Matt’s armrest and lightly patted his crotch.

Okay, what the fuck should he do now?

As Luke inched closer, the more Matt felt uneasy.

They were working partners and dinner date friends at best – Matt was not quite ready for the full fellatio treatment yet.

That said, there was that look in Luke’s eyes, like a puppy’s all-powerful gaze that can compel anyone to do their bidding and sate their desires.

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 08

Pleroma – Part 07

By Taurus

Part 7 – incarceration-adx_20x

Flanked by boring concrete walls, Luke had to try and find new and interesting ways to keep himself active that was not touching himself – the hologram that now formed the ceiling of the cell bore this very commandment, among other warnings that safewords are not in play, that any attempts to escape or pleasure oneself would result in the swift application of extremely strict and punishing bondage, and that excretion of waste matter would be automatically enforced for him.

Luke was no philosophist, but he was at least aware of the fact that if he wanted to truly escape, he would have to first escape digitally by countering the super-powerful software that knew his every thought, then escape physically by getting his naked body out of whatever shackles that held him.

In short: “difficult” was the word.

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 07

Pleroma – Part 06

By Taurus

Part 6 – incarceration_primer

Having just completed no fewer than twenty phone calls back and forth between his gym and his clients in order to clear his agenda for not just the following week as Matt requested, but for the whole month – Luke felt a sense of exhaustion wash over him.

Matt’s interfacing program was relatively refined, but Luke was used to coordinating bodily movement with the implant, less so the intensive mental work that his testing entailed.

Whatever his reasons were, Luke was already rich. With how hard he was working, he had earned himself a long overdue holiday.

As Luke took off a pair of briefs – the last of his “pajamas” – to prepare for sleep, his robot butler notified Luke of a call he had to take.

The caller was Matt. Figures.

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 06

Pleroma – Part 05

By Taurus

Part 5 – Research notes recorded 0000 00/00/0000 captured at [DATETIME REDACTED]

Reality bleeding observed in bodily reactions upon first exposure of clubslave2_alphav1.0_06/17/20XX to Subject L. Subject L had “lost” their desire to ejaculate and/or experience orgasm after exposure. Narrative simulations may have persuasive effect on portrayed character due to inherent character designs which exhibit a clear dominant/submissive dynamic.

(Note: L had one prior exposure to portrayed characters in the [clubslave] line of scenarios. Narrative exposure time, authenticity, and integrity may be crucial to fully utilise reality bleeding.)

Suggestive power of programmed emotion is strong. Testing in secretum of L’s willingness to accept disadvantageous and humiliating chastity arrangements is notable. This test is significant as L’s preferences regarding BDSM has reversed from disliking to being accepting of submissive roles, including an increased willingness to partake in submissive and humiliating activities physically:

Bondage, chastity, exhibitionism in the vicinity of familiars and strangers, nipple stimulation, sensory deprivation, and sodomy practices.

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 05

Pleroma – Part 04

By Taurus

Part 4 – clubslave2_alpha-v1.0_06/17/20XX

Deciding to drive himself, Luke, with some eagerness, proceeded to Matt’s testing facility. As it was his own car, he could go shirtless, which was a boon, as the weather outside was positively burning.

Maybe the ability to pinch his bare nipples when the traffic was slow was nice as well.

He had been promised that the saga of Bruno would continue, and so he eagerly proceeded into Matt’s hideout.

With some fire in his eyes as he stripped, Luke turned his gaze to Matt – half pleading, half demanding, “Matt. I want to cum. I need to cum.”

Having been reassured by a scheming Matt, Luke proceeded onto the chair.

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 04