Thank you

A big THANK YOU!!! to everyone who has contributed to the “fund drive” here on Metalbond. You know who you are. Your help is greatly appreciated. I’m going to keep the PayPal button up for a while longer in the upper right hand corner:


The money is for site hosting fees and other expenses. If anyone else wants to pitch in a few bucks, it would really help. It’s billed as “Locker Jock,” and you can pick between three options: “Minimum-security,” “Super-max” and “Life Without Parole.” Which one are you?

GMSMA NewsLink

!NewsLink49-50Before I had this website, waaaaaay back a long time ago, I was a member of Gay Male SM Activists (GMSMA), a New York City-based organization. GMSMA aimed to promote safe, sane and consensual SM through three “pillars” — education, activism and social activities. Sadly, GMSMA closed up shop a few years back. (To read about that, click here.)

I was editor of NewsLink, the newsletter for GMSMA, for about five years, and I was recently going through some boxes of old stuff and I came across a bunch of old issues. Here is a sampling:

NewsLink_inside_JocksSM NewsLink_inside_TattooJourney_cover NewsLink_inside_TattooJourney_inside NewsLink45 NewsLink56I did not want to throw my extra copies away, so Hilton over at Purple Passion here in NYC graciously agreed to distribute them. You can stop by Purple Passion, located at 211 West 20th Street just west of 7th Avenues in Manhattan, and pick up a copy.

While you;re at it, you might want to buy something, because they are having a huge sale this week. They also have a very large stock of vintage magazines available for really cheap.

Click the box below for the Purple Passion website:


If you stop in, be sure to tell them that Metalbond sent you!

Bondage at the movies: Kink – The documentary movie

Last night I attended the NYC premiere of “Kink,” the James Franco-produced documentary on the inner workings of, with my friend Pisslurper. I ran into a bunch of other “usual suspects” there, including some familiar faces from the long lost days of GMSMA, and a few other guys.

The movie was shown at Lincoln Center as part of the NewFest LGBT Film Festival. It was VERY explicit, and I am not sure when or how it would ever be shown to the masses. Despite featuring a few more women than men, I was nevertheless intrigued by seeing some of the inner workings of the company, especially since I had the privilege of visiting the Armory, the building in San Francico where it all happens, a few years back. (For more about that, you can read my post Meting Van Darkholme.)

Pisslurper and I particularly enjoyed seeing Jessie Colter. We’re both longtime admirers of the gay male-themed sites available from — namely, Bound Gods, Men on Edge, Bound In Public, Naked Kombat and Butt Machine Boys.

Here are a few gratuitous pictures from some recent (or not so recent) offerings from the gay sites at Clicking on any of these pictures will take you directly to the specific scenes depicted at these various pay sites (which are worth every penny, in my opinion):

MOE_TrentonDucatiAbove: Trenton Ducati at Men on Edge

BIP_Jordan FosterJordan Foster at Bound In Public

Jessie Coulter_NKAbove: Jessie Colter and Marcus Ruhl at Naked Kombat

BMB_RustyStevensAbove: Rusty Stevens at Butt Machine Boys

Christian_Wilde_Tyler_Sweet_BGAbove: Christian Wilde and Tyler Sweet at Bound Gods

Bondage Fantasy World – Part 4

By Mister-X / Spartan

When I awoke the next morning, I was noticing the smell of my body.  It was the seventh day since I’d arrived here, and I hadn’t washed.  Despite this, I was feeling a little better about myself.  I figured I’d worked off the two demerits, and I had been able to withstand some awfully extreme bondage and punishment.  Those were what I’d paid to go through, though I hadn’t expected them to be this severe.  But a frustration was that I hadn’t been able to cum with that chastity device on.  I wondered whether it would ever be removed during my stay here.

Continue reading Bondage Fantasy World – Part 4

Contribute to Metalbond

Hey Prisoners,
If any of you would like to contribute to some of the expenses involved in keeping this website up and running, please click below for “Locker Jock”
Thanks immensely!

Contribute to Metalbond