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Tied Up and Edged in a Hotel (a ‘Happened Last Night’ true story)
By Erik
Early yesterday evening I got a message from a bisexual guy visiting Helsinki for two days.
Continue reading Tied Up and Edged in a Hotel (a ‘Happened Last Night’ true story)
Bondage Fantasy World – Part 3
By Mister –X Spartan
I didn’t sleep much that night from the worry. The normal morning routine was again followed, and I soon found myself back in the outer office of Hans. “Ze next, and last, phase requires being taken to yet anosser room.” I was once again marched into the maximum security part of the prison while effectively naked, but with restraints. This time I did not have the blindfold on, so I could see into the other cells.
Rank and Bouncer take out the sidewalk trash
Check out what happens with Rank and Bouncer over at Serious Male Bondage:
To see more, go to Serious Male Bondage
The famous interrogation scene in ‘Cruising’
Buried Alive
Here is a true story…
I have accepted to let you know about an experience I had a couple of years ago.
You will notice that there is nothing exceptional, and we agreed in advance with the “programme,” so no surprise…
So, we had a very nice Wednesday in the forest, a few years ago, in February… How surprising as by chance it was probably one of the nicest days of this winter.
My mate collected me at his local railways station, outside of Paris, near Fontainebleau … We made our way to the forest, and parked the car as close as we could, but we still had a couple of kilometres to walk.
We loaded our rucksack on our backs and made our way through the forest.
We crossed a couple of hikers, but not much… they looked at us as we were both wearing French army combat dress, but we ignored the fact…
Within half an hour we get on the site he had planned…
We did start with some bondage games, but this is not the plot right now… I will let you know another time for this part of the game…
I wanted to get buried in the sand, up to the neck…
Tied up in the shower
Does anyone remember where these pictures came from?