Four years of Metalbond

This website is four years old today.


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Here are some of my favorite and more popular postings from the past four years (in no particular order):

High-security lock box for handcuffs

Clips vs locks

Volunteers needed

Richard Hunter says I am a wimp

A rubber dude gets bolted down with chains and padlocks

Meeting Van Darkholme

Waiting for Ross


Athlete shoots while caged and chained

The final meeting of GMSMA

The oh fuck moment for CdnBond comes at 9:45

Stud Farm

By Catdude

A sharp buzz roused me out of my sleep, grey concrete walls were the first thing to welcome me back to the world of wakefulness; that and, of course, the thick steel bars. I stretched out, the thin mattress on the floor was only slightly better than nothing at all, which was the price I would pay for disobedience.  I reflected on this as I stretched, every muscle ached, but I was used to that now, the dull throbbing pain had become just another part of my everyday life.

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Caped Captive

By Straitjacketed

Constable Jim Johnstone put down his book and sighed inwardly.  He was bored: bored with the rain drumming on the tin roof of the tiny two-man watch hut, bored with the task he’d been allotted – sitting night guard on one of the more remote Royal Canadian Mounted Police supply warehouses, which had been broken into in recent months – and, most of all, bored with having to play nursemaid to Hank.

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