Today’s Bed Bondage picture is from Men On Edge:
Ruff spends seven hours in a straitjacket
Check out this picture of Ruff, secured in a straitjacket where he belongs:
You can see more of this at Ruff’s Stuff
Padlock tattoo
Spencer Reed gets tied up in wrestling gear
Check out the latest from Bound Jocks:
Wrestling hunk Spencer Reed is tied on his back with his hands stretched over his head. Morgan Black enters and sees it as his opportunity to molest the helpless brute …
Easily pulling Spencer’s cock from his singlet, Morgan goes to town on Spencer’s hard cock while sporting a sizeable boner of his own. But just when the cocky jock lets his guard down, Spencer traps Morgan’s head between his powerful thighs and demands to be untied!
To see more, join Bound Jocks!
Artwork by Sadistiq
Check out these works by the erotic artist Sadistiq (which are shared here with permission of the artist):
He’s also the author of a number of stories that have been featured on Gromets Plaza, including one called Desert Escapade
New website: Gay BDSM Personals
Do you ever read the ads on Craig’s List and get excited by them? Well, now there is a website dedicated to some of the hottest gay BDSM ads out there:
The proprietor of this new site sent me a note recently. He writes:
Hi Metal,
Your blog is my favorite adult site. When it comes to bondage, control, humiliation, etc., you obviously get it. Thanks for doing what you do, and keep up the good work!
I wanted to share something with you. I just started a new blog called Gay BDSM Personals.
I have been reading personal ads in print and online for years. They can be very entertaining, if you know what I mean. I’ve been collecting ads that I find especially authentic, creative, and well-written. At some point I realized I could make my collection into a blog, and for my first blog post, I chose one of my favorite ads:
I want to take you to the Fair on a leash. Your “uniform” for the outing: slave collar, ball gag, leather harness, butt plug, boots, and fist mitts locked behind your back.
Does bondage excite you? I hope so because I want everyone to see your raging hard-on. Just to make sure I will feed you Viagra. If the situation gets too humiliating I may let you wear a blindfold. Eventually we find some backroom slave to suck you off.
I am GWM, 44, decent shape, clean cut. I am experienced with BDSM and respect limits. You must be into public humiliation, prepared to spend at least 3 hours in this predicament. Negotiable options include public flogging, urinal service, etc.
Serious replies only please. Tell me exactly why you want this, include your stats and face pic – or else your message will be deleted.
To read more of these ads, visit Gay BDSM Personals
Erik Rhodes
How very sad. Porn star Erik Rhodes has died at age 30, after an apparent heart attack. His real name was James, and I used to see him out and about all the time in my neighborhood in Manhattan, but unfortunately I never met him or talked to him. He certainly was a head-turner. I understand from reading about him and hearing about him from friends of mine who met him, that he was a troubled soul. And that makes me very sad.
Here’s a picture of Erik on the set of the Falcon production of The Pledgemaster, and there are more pictures from this video posted here.
For those who want to read more about James, there’s a very nice tribute to him on the blog of Derek Hartley.
Reader contribution: londonslv in self-bondage and chastity
Check out the pictures and information from londonslv:
Here are pics and a description of a self-bondage session I had a while ago. The chastity itself was a russian-roulette game I sometimes play to lock myself up, as I’m still in search of a local key holder to control access to my cock.
To start the session, I assembled everything I’d need on the floor. The padlocks were checked working, then the keys placed on a high shelf, where I wouldn’t be able to reach them until the end of the session.
Prior to the session, I’d edged myself for a couple of hours, before locking my cock in its prison. The key to the CB went into my safe. The combination of which is in a text file on my PC. (It’s 8 digits, and I set it a long while ago so I would forget the combination).
So, having assembled everything I needed, I put padlocks through the top eyelets in my boots – they’re not coming off until the end of the session.
Next, I put on and padlock my Mr S Leather muzzle. It’s quite a trip. As you can see, I have padlocked the self-bondage lock (from MEO) to the collar of the muzzle. Padlocked to the end that releases is a chain, and the handcuff key. The handcuffs are padlocked to the other end of the chain, so I can never “lose” the key, even if it tries to bounce away when it lands.
Now I’m almost ready, I start the “russian-roulette” part for my chastity. Using the timelock software, I set it up to encrypt the file containing the safe combination for a random time up to 4 weeks with a bias on the longer side, but with a hidden timer so I can’t see how long is left to run. I don’t start the encryption however. I have a gaming keyboard with 16 macro buttons, so I’ve programmed each of these to start the timelock software running, after various delays from 5 minutes to 1 hour.
I push a macro button at random, then complete the self-bondage. My hands are now cuffed, with each cuff also going through the loops of the DM boots.
Now I’m trapped, horny, desperate to cum thanks to the edging earlier. Having to wait while the self-bondage lock melts, dripping cold water onto me. It usually releases after about 45 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
So while I’m in bondage, I can only wait, wondering which macro I pushed, whether I’d get free before timelock starts, sentencing me to up to 4 weeks in chastity, and having to watch the PC do this to me while I’m helpless to stop it. (The PC base unit and keyboard and power switches are out of my reach).
The last picture shows me a little later on, the ice lock can be seen to have melted somewhat.
This was quite a fun session, and ended up with my cock horny, frustrated, and locked for about 5 weeks. (In two of the macros, I had programmed a couple of booby-traps – one would start the timer, then add 1 week, the other would add 2 weeks!)
You can find londonslv on Recon