Tag Archives: Dream Boy Bondage

Video: Jared has Curtis locked in the pillory

Scroll down for a free video preview from the men of Dream Boy Bondage. In this episode, sweet, innocent Curtis is locked in the pillory, spanked hard, fucked harder and shocked with electrodes attached to his balls. Jared is unstoppable.

Young Curtis is bent over and locked in the pillory, completely naked and terrified. He knows he is going to be hurt; he just doesn’t know how. Then Jared appears, wearing nothing but skin-tight athletic briefs. He holds a short, leather strap – a device made to beat a captive’s ass. Jared spanks Curtis hard, then shows him a huge, rigid dildo. Curtis can’t believe his eyes: The thing must be a foot long! The poor, helpless prisoner screams and moans as Jared fucks him for an hour. Curtis thinks his ordeal might be over, that the ass-fucking was the climax. He couldn’t be more wrong. Jared puts a steel ring around the base of his balls, then attaches two electrodes. “What are you doing?” Curtis asks, on the verge of panic. Then the first shock hits. There are many more to come.

Here is a free video preview:


Title of this shoot: Curtis – Torture Twink – Part 5

See the whole thing at Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!

Frat Boy’s Bitch Boy – Part 14

By Greg Alexander

After the ordeal with the itching gel, in fact, as I have explained, I finally began to quickly get most of the feet in the frat down my heart. I lay there, pinned down to the spanking bench, more and more piss flowing through the tube, through my piss gag, and into my mouth as the night wore on.

The screen on my laptop was never inactive for long. Through the grainy video feed, I could see guy after guy after guy after guy take his place in front of the urinal. As the hours passed, and as the beer kept flowing, they started staggering into the bathroom more visibly drunk, their stride more and more lopsided, their every movement more and more inebriated, but still they kept coming. And coming. And coming.

They were mostly frat guys, jocks, athletes, guys with popped collars, guys with backward baseball hats and sun glasses inexplicably still on, even though it was night and indoors . . . the types you’d expect to find at your typical frat party on our campus. I was sure there were plenty of girls, but of course, thanks to the signage the frat boys had left outside the bathroom, none of them were coming in.

Continue reading Frat Boy’s Bitch Boy – Part 14

Dirk the bondage sex slave

See below for a free video preview from Dream Boy Bondage

Jared makes Dirk’s training clear to him. Dirk exists to feel pain, to have the most intimate parts of his body — from his abs to his nipples to his cock and balls — tortured. His body, his sexuality, is no longer his. He is now a sex slave, who exists to please his master, to suffer in silence, to cum on command. Jared beats him, then jerks him off. Then he stretches him to the max and leaves him to suffer, alone.

Here is a free clip:


Title of this shoot: Dirk Wakefield – Kept Boy – Part 3

Click for Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!


Under the boot of Jared

Here’s another update from Dream Boy Bondage — scroll below the pictures and description for a video clip:

Jared orders his whipping boy to get down on his knees. After hours of torture, Matie is broken. He knows he must suck this man’s cock and pleasure him. But first he must suffer some more. “Lie down on your stomach!” Jared orders. He stomps the captive’s back wounds with his boots and sprays them with alcohol. Matie’s screams get Jared hard inside his jeans. “Back on you knees!” he commands, whipping out his erect cock and grabbing the prisoner’s hair. “Suck it!” he demands, pushing his encouraged cock deep down Matie’s throat. He fucks the stud’s mouth for 15 minutes then spews a huge load of cum all over the whip scars on his chest. Matie hopes against hope that he now will be released. But Jared’s lust is not sated. An ass like Matie’s must be beaten even harder.

Here is a video preview:


Title of this shoot: Matie – Whipping Boy – Part 9

Click for Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!

Training the Sergeant – Part 8

By lthr_jock

Davis submissively allowed himself to be led across the club, the thick leather of the collar around his neck somehow as reassuring as it was arousing. As they moved through the crowd, he felt hands running over his leathers, caressing his muscles through it, and with a groan he pressed against them. He felt a hand fumble at the buckle of his Sam Brown and looked down to see who it was. As he did so, Fletcher stopped walking and jerked on his leash.

“Eyes FRONT, Sergeant.”

Davis obeyed and fixed his eyes on Fletcher’s face. Fletcher dropped the leash and stood where he could get a good view. Davis felt the Sam Brown being undone and the leather strap fed out from under his right epaulette. He could feel the straps dangling down against his leathered legs as the unseen hands unbuckled his jacket and unzipped it. Without moving his eyes, he could see glimpses and reflections in the mirrored shades Fletcher was wearing. Several men were clustered around Davis – all of them wearing some form of leather or rubber, though some were virtually naked.

Continue reading Training the Sergeant – Part 8

Pictures and video: Jared tortures Alex

Check out the pictures and description from this recent shoot at Dream Boy Bondage – with a free video preview below:

After spending the night handcuffed to a concrete post, naked, alone and in total darkness, his body racked with pain from hours of flogging, Alex now finds himself standing, still naked, in another room. He’s chained to the floor at his ankles. Behind him is a wall covered with whips, chains and various tools of torture. Suddenly, Alex hears the whir of a motor and feels his wrists being lifted above his head, as his muscular tormentor, Jared, enters the room and selects a six-foot, single-tail whip from the wall. “I don’t think I need to tell you how this whip is going to feel,” Jared says as he rubs Alex’s tight abs and fondles his cock. Jared then slices the young Russian’s beautiful, lean back and bulbous, firm ass with dozens of cutting blows. He switches to a nine-foot single-tail and speeds up the whipping, pausing only to spray the boy’s fresh wounds with alcohol. Alex screams, whimpers, flexes and squirms. Such a beautiful boy so brutally tortured for all the world to see.

Here is a free video preview:


Title of this shoot: Alex Chandler – Putin’s Revenge – Part 3

Click for Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!

Torture Twink

See below for one more video clip from Dream Boy Bondage

Jared is getting cocky, again, satisfying his horniness by seducing a random twink he sees at the mall. Curtis was excited when a tall, muscular, strikingly handsome man sits down next to him in the food court and strikes up a casual conversation. He can’t believe his luck when the guy offers to give him a ride home. Once in the car, Curtis agrees to go home with the guy for “a drink.” Then things get murky. Curtis remembers feeling dizzy and confused after a few sips of his Captain and Coke, then feeling his clothes being removed. Now he’s bolted to a concrete wall, blindfolded and gagged, naked but for his briefs. He’s alone, in total darkness. Then he feels a hand on his body. Days of torture and sexual exploitation have just begun.

Here is a free video preview:


Title of this shoot: Curtis – Torture Twink – Part 1

See more at Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!

Trained to please his master

Here’s another scene from Dream Boy Bondage — see below for a free video preview!

Dirk Wakefield is a classic kept boy, spoiled, arrogant and free-loading. Today, all that changes. He has been sent to us to be trained, to be turned into a true slave. This young man will learn that he exists to please his master, that he is an object of desire, a sex toy, and nothing more. He is strung-up and stripped naked. Then his days of torment are described in full detail. He argues and complains until he is gagged. Then he is stripped naked and receives 100 lashes, first with the flogger, then with the single-tail whip. One-hundred lashes. And, trust us, this is just the beginning.

Here is a free video clip:


Title of this shoot: Dirk Wakefield – Kept Boy – Part 1

Click for Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!