Tag Archives: Hunter Perez

My Pal Jock and the Guy in the Diner

By Hunter Perez

“Bingo, did you ever get the feeling that you were being watched?” said Jock while we were in the midst of a late-night meal at a roadside diner just outside of town. Jock was enjoying a Greek salad and a cup of green tea while I indulged in a pizza burger deluxe with French fries and a large Coke – yeah, I’m a slob.

“No, of course not,” I responded as I mopped up a drop of pizza sauce with one of my French fries. “What brings that up?”

Jock laughed and shook his head. “You eat like an eight-year-old. Seriously, there’s a guy at a table across from us who hasn’t stopped staring at you since we got here. Don’t tell me that you didn’t notice him.”

“Oh, please,” I responded between bites of my pizza burger. “No one is staring at me. If anything, the guy’s probably staring at you. And can you blame him? With that tight t-shirt showing off your muscles, you’re the life of the party. You don’t expect a runt like me to steal your spotlight”

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My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 03

By Hunter Perez

“Don’t panic, Bingo,” I said to myself. “Try to stay calm and keep your movements to a bare minimum.”

Keeping still was not a problem, considering I was hogtied with a heavy tarp on top of me and a dirty mattress underneath me. The horse bit gag in my mouth shut off my ability to speak, the zip tie-connected manacles kept my wrists and ankles in place, and the chastity cage kept my cock locked within a tight metallic confinement. The only unfettered movement I could make involved the raising and lowering of my head, and I constantly tried to look up to the vent separating my imprisonment from the driver’s cabin where Jock was talking back to a sports radio show while he sped me to Pittsburgh.

Not panicking, however, was another matter. I had no idea what awaited me once Jock handed me over to the officials that wanted me in jail. Would anyone listen to me once I got to Pittsburgh? Would they acknowledge that this was all a mistake and that my case was dismissed five years ago? Or would they be like Jock and ignore my protestations while making me a prisoner?

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My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 02

By Hunter Perez

“This can’t be happening!” I yelled as Jock unlocked his handcuffs and began to walk over to me. “I’m your best friend. You can’t arrest your best friend. And you shouldn’t even be arresting me. My case was dismissed five years ago.”

“Bingo, it’s better that I take you into custody instead of having you arrested by a stranger,” he replied in an unsmiling manner. “And my boss filled me in regarding your case. It wasn’t dismissed – it was only postponed. Please, we can leave for Pittsburgh now ahead of the rush hour traffic and get there in about five hours. I’d rather not have to transport you in restraints, but if you don’t cooperate I will have to restrain you.”

“I know I have the paperwork from that attorney in Pittsburgh,” I said, growing frantic. “It’s either in my closet or in my dresser. I can show you if you let me find it.”

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My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 01

By Hunter Perez

I couldn’t believe my good fortune – there I was, sitting in a steamy sauna with JimmyUSMC luxuriating next to me while showing off his tattoo-decorated muscles.

“Oh, Jimmy,” I purred as I examined the intricate designs inked across his hard body. “I haven’t had such a visceral artistic experience since the Tom of Finland exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Detroit.

Jimmy winked at me as he flexed his right arm’s bicep under the face. “I bet you’d like to sip the sweat off my muscles, Bingo. Go ahead, take a taste.”

I puckered my lips and closed my eyes while moving closer to his arm. But then, a series of shrill buzzes filled my ears. I opened my eyes and found myself alone in my bed while the distinctive odor of bad cooking wafted in from the kitchen. I sat up and groaned.

“Simon, are you trying to make breakfast again?” I yelled out.

Continue reading My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 01

My Pal Jock and the Gorilla – Part 03

By Hunter Perez

I blinked myself awake, still sore in my chest from the dart that knocked me into unconsciousness. I sat up and found myself immersed in complete darkness, unable to see my hand when I held it before my face. Even worse, I was still locked in the gorilla costume and I felt that I was covered in a cold sweat from being trapped within its tight confines.

“I must be dead,” I said out loud into the darkness that engulfed me. “I remember seeing a movie about afterlife experiences where people walk through darkness until they come into a bright light. But how can I go through the afterlife like this? I’ll wind up at the Pearly Gates and Saint Peter will think I’m a gorilla and send me to gorilla heaven instead of human heaven.”

I stretched my arms out, but my right arm banged into a metallic surface that gave off a dull clunk as my knuckles made contact. I made a fist and banged harder on the surface, creating a vibration that I felt beneath me.

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Gorilla – Part 03

My Pal Jock and the Gorilla – Part 02

By Hunter Perez

The morning drive to the zoo was without conversation. Jock had some abysmal talk show playing on his car radio while Simon sat next to him in the passenger seat bopping his head to the music that only he could hear through his earpieces. I sat in the back seat with the large box containing the gorilla costume, irritated by the babbling from the radio talk show and apprehensive that something awful would happen to me once I was locked in the gorilla outfit.

Jock drove past the zoo’s main entrance and entered the venue through a side gate, where he parked the car and pointed us to a narrow path. Jock quickly engaged Simon in some sort of animated conversation that I could not hear, as I was walking four paces behind them carrying the large box with the gorilla costume. After what seemed like an endless walk, we came to a nondescript grey building where Eddie was waiting outside.

Eddie was typical of Jock’s friends – tall, broad shouldered, powerfully built and very handsome in a preppy manner. But unlike Jock’s friends, Eddie was always very pleasant with me. Whenever I was stuck at one of Jock’s parties, Eddie turned up to offer a chance for cordial conversation, always with a smile and a genuine sense of interest in whatever I was saying. While the cash incentive being offered for this cockamamie scheme roped me in, I was happy to help Eddie because he was always nice to me.

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Gorilla – Part 02

My Pal Jock and the Gorilla – Part 01

By Hunter Perez

It was one o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon, and I was standing on the top rung of a step ladder cleaning blobs of protein drink off my ceiling when the front door of my apartment began to vibrate with a knocking to the melody of “Kung Fu Fighting.” Only one person makes himself known in that manner, and I called out, “Come in, Jock, the door is open.”

The door opened and Jock walked in carrying a large box. A few steps into the apartment, he put down the box and looked about the space in bafflement. “Bingo, what the hell happened in here?”

I sighed and shook my head. “Simon wanted to make me a protein drink, but you know what he’s like with kitchen appliances – the blender exploded, and I have protein drink all over the place. Be a pal and grab some toweling to clean this up.”

Jock dug his finger into a blob of protein drink on the wall and tasted it. “Is this supposed to be strawberry or cherry flavored? None of these drinks truly taste like the fruit flavors they’re supposed to be. And where is Simon? Why isn’t he helping you?”

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Gorilla – Part 01

My Pal Jock and the Night Before Christmas

By Hunter Perez

It was around four in the afternoon on Christmas Eve and I was in my apartment flicking the television remote control in search of something to watch. I planned to be alone for the holidays and, to be frank, I was enjoying my time to myself. Then my phone rang and I saw it was from Jock.

“Bingo, can you do me a great favor?” Jock said in a voice that sounded somewhat more tremulous than his normal tone. “Can you please drive me upstate this evening?”

“Can I drive you?” I asked, confused by the request. “You know I don’t have a car. What’s wrong with your car?”

“There’s nothing wrong with my car,” he responded. “I just got a call from the hospital – Dad was brought in with a heart attack. I was planning to drive up tomorrow morning to see him for Christmas, but I need to be there now. The news of his being in the hospital sort of shook me. With the way I feel I don’t feel comfortable doing that drive.”

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