Tag Archives: hypnosis

The kinky erotic fiction of RotherhamMan

One of the more prolific authors of kinky erotic fiction goes by the name of RotherhamMan, and he has been featured a few times here on the Metalbond site in the Breaking Boys series. For those who just can’t get enough of this guy, he’s also got dozens of other stories posted to other sites, including Archive of Our Own and Gay Spiral Stories:

bondage stories by RotherhamMan

RotherhamMan even accepts commissions. One of his latest stories, which he was kind enough to let me read today, is called “Milking Men: Chief Taylor,” which is about a hunky — straight — fireman who gets ensnared as a sperm donor! You can read the first part of this story at Archive of Our Own by clicking here. This is a commissioned work that RotherhamMan is sharing.

Metal would like to thank RotherhamMan for reaching out, and to encourage all kinksters who are so inclined to delve into his devilish imagination by reading his stories!

Audio: Cyborg Metamorphosis erotic hypnosis mp3

This audio file from Rick TheTist is about cyborg transformation. Your values will become replaced, your political ideology removed, you will be drugged with steroids and implanted with control devices. Listen to this recording only if you dare, because before the protocol is complete, your mind will be wiped!

rick thetist

Find Rick TheTist on his official site and on his Patreon page

rick thetist

Corporate Takeover – Chapter 03

By lthr_jock

Brian was feeling highly aroused – which was very clear in the tight leather trousers. He headed back to the car where he stowed his new purchases before grabbing his sports bag and heading into the gym.

After taking his supplements, he started working out. As with yesterday, time seemed to fly by. He found himself pushing heavier weights than before and by the end of the session, he was dripping with sweat. As he looked at some of the massive guys in the gym, he knew that he wanted to be their size – or bigger. He headed for the locker room, where he sat for a couple of minutes with his towel around his shoulders. While he was sat there a man walked in – hugely muscled with a t-shirt plastered across his torso that said “Personal Trainer”. He walked up to Brian and held out a hand. “Name’s Chris. Saw you here yesterday too. Mind some comments on your style?” “Not at all – what am I doing wrong?” Chris sat down and went through some things with Brian that should improve his technique and then went to leave. “Hey Chris, how much are personal training sessions?” “£50 an hour.” “Seems reasonable. I’m only in town for 2 weeks. Can I book you for 2 hours each evening?” Chris nodded – it was always good to have regular bookings like that. “Definitely, Brian. What time tomorrow?” Brian thought about the meetings he had scheduled. “6:30?” “Ideal. See you then.”

Brian smiled to himself – this trip was proving far better than he had thought it would. He took a leisurely shower, then changed and headed back to the hotel, enjoying the way his new leathers creaked and stretched as he moved. When he got back to the hotel, he ate in the dining room and spotted several people eyeing his leather trousers. He enjoyed the attention and made sure to stretch when he left so that they could get a good view. He then headed to bed, lulled asleep by the blu-ray.

Continue reading Corporate Takeover – Chapter 03