Tag Archives: incarceration

The Weekend

By Marknorth

I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard the heavy knock on my door. It was quickly followed by more rapid-fire pounding. My mind was racing as I quickly pulled on a pair of sport briefs and half-jogged to the front door. I had come home early and was hoping to have a nice. quiet Friday night and relaxing weekend.

The door almost flew off its hinges as it was slammed open the moment that I unlocked the deadbolt. I caught a quick flash of uniforms and barely heard the shout of “Police!” as I was thrown against the wall.

Continue reading The Weekend

Brooklyn performance artist renting out his jail cell

Coming to NYC? You can stay in a JAIL CELL in Brooklyn! That’s right! Artist Miao Jiaxin has installed a metal jail cell in his apartment, and you can book a stay of two to five days!

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It’s $1 per day and you have to follow his rules. You have to stay locked in from 9 am to noon each day with no internet.

Details on the artist’s Facebook page.

Local news report here.

The artist’s official website here.


More videos from Mens Central Prison available online

For those who are attracted to prisons, jail cells, institutional incarceration and psychiatric hospital wards and gear, the Mens Central Prison is for you. Check out this video clip:

In addition to the “teaser” video above, you can see more of the Mens Central Prison over at Serious Male Bondage. They are offering a video tour, and they just added three more videos from this place!

MCP_SMBOf course, if you are REALLY brave you can go there yourself for a one-of-a-kind prison roleplay experience, with a stay of one day to one week or more.

To see videos shot at this facility, click for Serious Male Bondage

Sadly, the Mens Central Prison is closed.

Mens Central Prison


This is for those who are attracted to prisons, jail cells, institutional incarceration, and psychiatric hospital wards and gear. Mark of Serious Male Bondage shot a complete tour and interview with the guys behind this unusual facility. They built a complete jail cell facility with 6 cells, solitary confinement and a psyche evaluation room. Their facility is as close to real as it gets.

To learn more about this facility, click for Serious Male Bondage

