Tag Archives: jacking off

Video: Straight frat jock Austin is brutally flogged, spanked and penetrated

Then he pumps out a massive load of cum. Here is a free preview video from the men of Dream Boy Bondage:


Shirtless muscle-stud Jared is not done torturing young Austin. He smacks the poor captive’s already lacerated back and ass with the split-head flogger. He even smacks the soles of Austin’s feet. “Now I’m going to fuck you within an inch of your life,” Jared tells the straight jock, showing him a long, rigid “punishment dildo” – one meant to inflict pain. Jared shoves the thing in hard and deep, making Austin – a butt-virgin just hours ago – yelp with agony. Then he wallops Austin’s ass some more, while fucking him, as the poor, naked prisoner squirms and screams. Finally, Jared flips Austin over onto his whipped back and orders him to jerk off. Austin doesn’t disappoint, pumping out a massive load of cum all over his lacerated stomach, thinking he’ll finally be let go. Poor, dumb frat jock. Jared’s got other ideas.

Dream Boy Bondage video

Title of this episode: Austin – Frat Boy Tease – Part 9

See more at Dream Boy Bondage

gay bondage video

Show me your cheap plastic toy handcuffs

Captain Angelo Godshack answered a domestic disturbance call that led him to a famous local porn producer. What can he really do about this noise complaint? Is Angelo more interested in proving that he’s got what it takes to make it in this industry? Will he handcuff the poor producer or his own huge 9-incher?

The title of this shoot is “Cock Patrol” with Angelo Godshack. See more of this over at Maskurbate

On the discipline block

At BreederFuckers.com, Kirk is one tough strong bastard, but all his might and muscle can’t break him free from the ropes holding him down on the discipline block. That big muscular arse of his pointing up looks so hot, especially when his tighty whities are rammed right up the crack to rub against his arsehole. His briefs are destroyed, leaving him buck naked. His dick is drawn back between his legs with a clamp on his foreskin. Kirk is in agony, as he can’t move without causing himself considerable pain to his most tender bits. Adrian and Dave wank his cock, and Kirk can’t do anything to stop himself becoming aroused with their devilish manipulation. His cock is made even stiffer in a suction device while his arse is filled and fucked. Kirk nearly chomps through the bit in his mouth, drooling away like a chained beast. He can’t prevent himself being stimulated to orgasm while he receives a torrent of arse punishment. He weeps and howls as his precious sperm fills the container.

To see more, go to BreederFuckers – new updates every Wednesday

Dirk the bondage sex slave

See below for a free video preview from Dream Boy Bondage

Jared makes Dirk’s training clear to him. Dirk exists to feel pain, to have the most intimate parts of his body — from his abs to his nipples to his cock and balls — tortured. His body, his sexuality, is no longer his. He is now a sex slave, who exists to please his master, to suffer in silence, to cum on command. Jared beats him, then jerks him off. Then he stretches him to the max and leaves him to suffer, alone.

Here is a free clip:


Title of this shoot: Dirk Wakefield – Kept Boy – Part 3

Click for Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!


Scott has Michael’s balls locked in a cock stock

Check out what happens at Slow Teasing Hand Jobs:

Scott has Michael's balls locked in a cock stock Slow Teasing Hand JobsScott has Michael’s balls locked in the cock stock so that he can’t even thrust his hips to get himself off, and subjects him to a cruel edging.  The 22-year-old asks seven times for permission to shoot his load, and Scott denies him.

cock_stock_edging-103 cock_stock_edging-109 cock_stock_edging-115

Then, on his eighth request, he’s  so close to the edge that he shoots his thick load before Scott  can respond.  Of course he’s given a long post orgasm milking as punishment for cumming without permission.

To see more like this, join Slow Teasing Hand Jobs


Three Days in Jail – Part 02

By Pisslurper

The rules of the jail were strict, but simple and expected. I was supposed to call the jailor “Officer” and “Sir.” I was to keep my blanket folded neatly whenever I wasn’t using it. I was supposed to back away from the cell door and go nose to the wall with my hands clasped behind my head whenever instructed to do so or whenever the jailor was about to come into my cell. I was supposed to be in uniform (top and bottoms) whenever I was out of my cell.

For some reason, calling the jailor “Sir” or “Officer” just rankled me, and I resisted doing so. I guess I also gave him some attitude, although I was nicer when he had something I wanted, like a meal.

Once or twice a day he would conduct a cell inspection, looking for contraband I guess. He went through the whole unlocking the cellblock and cell routine, had me nose to the wall, and he cuffed my hands behind my back. Then he turned me around and locked the handcuffs to the metal L bracket that was fastened to cell wall. So now I am shackled, chained to the wall with my feet, and my handcuffed wrists are slightly elevated behind my back and locked to the wall. I couldn’t move much at all. The jailor then inspected the cell, looking under and checking the seams of the mattress and pillow, unfolding the blanket, and examining the entire cell.

I gave him some attitude during the first inspection, and when he uncuffed me, he shortened the chain to my shackles so that I could only move a few feet.   Then he repeated the lock down process, and after the series of banging and clanking, I was again left alone in the dim cell, only know a little more severely restricted. I could still move a bit, but no more pacing the length of the cell. I could lie down since the foot of the bed was close to the point where the chain was attached to the wall, and I could stand to piss in my bucket if I needed. I don’t know how long I stayed like that, because, like I said earlier, time seemed pass both slowly and quickly.

Continue reading Three Days in Jail – Part 02