Tag Archives: Metalbond A to Z

Metalbond A to Z: Metalbond Q&A

At long last, the Metalbond A to Z postings continue with the letter Q. It took me a while to think of something for this letter, and then I realized the answer was staring me right in the face! The Metalbond Q&A section, of course. Every once in a while I get to interview a key gay bondage personality:


Pictured above, subjects have included Dirk Caber, Sebastian Keys, Kristofer Weston, Christopher Miers from Steelwerks Extreme — and Jared of Dream Boy Bondage.

Click their pictures above to go directly to their respective Q&As — or to read them all click here.

Metalbond A to Z: New York Fuckin City

For guys who like to get tied up, New York City has a lot to offer. There’s the New York Bondage Club, the annual Folsom Street East block party, The Eagle (and GREGORY!), Gay Pride — not to mention my cage. Today we return to the ‘Metalbond A to Z’ series with a tribute to New York City.

That’s New York Fuckin’ City to you.

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Metalbond A to Z: Mister-X / Spartan

Another great friend and contributor to the Metalbond site is Mister-X / Spartan!

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He is one sick, twisted fuck — and he is often a featured bondage model over at Serious Male Bondage. He’s also author of many fantastic stories, which can be found right here on this site, in the Metalbond Prison Library.


To see many featured content from Mister-X / Spartan, click here.

To read his stories in the Metalbond Prison Library, click here.

Thanks for keeping it hot, Mister-X / Spartan!

Metalbond A to Z: KidRacer-X

I thought I would try something new for today’s Metalbond A to Z entry for the letter K. Instead of making this about a thing, or an activity, I thought it would be cool to feature a person — in this case, KidRacer-X! Check him out:

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I have never met KidRacer-X or even chatted with him online, but he is into some really awesome stuff, including motorcycles, hot fetish gear — and lots of bondage! He’s also got a quite extensive website, called KidRacer-X  – Shift Into Gear and even though it seems to be under construction much of the time, it’s got tons of content to check out.