With a hard dick
Click for Mr Kristofer’s Bondage Blog
To read this story, ‘He-Man and the Secret of the Sword,’ by Wolfpeck, with illustrations by Herodotus, click the image directly below:
Herodotus is a longtime friend of the Metalbond site. You can find him and many other gay erotic artists on the main Telemachus site. (A site, by the way, that actually links back to Metalbond — thanks, guys for being NICE and doing that!)
This is important to anyone who has a site using the Google Blogger platform, or anyone who follows a Google Blogger site. The “powers that be” recently sent out a notice stating in part,
“In the coming weeks, we’ll no longer allow blogs that contain sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video. We’ll still allow nudity presented in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content.”
(whatever the hell that means)
And this:
“The new policy will go into effect on the 23rd of March 2015. After this policy goes into effect, Google will restrict access to any blog identified as being in violation of our revised policy. No content will be deleted, but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content we’ve made private.”
This does not affect the Metalbond site, as I am not on Google Blogger and I pay for private site hosting. But this DOES apply to many other sites. And it is a real shame, if you ask me.
I follow a number of Google Blogger sites, including Ulf, Mitchmen, House of Vader, Rubber Canuck and many, many others. I hope that all of these guys will take action now to move their websites so that their content can still be available to everybody.
You can learn more about this issue by visiting the Google Blogger Closes Gay Blogs blog:
DanNation, a San Francisco Bay Area blogger, serves up “Chicken soup for the gay soul” — and he is back after a short hiatus:
Click for DanNation.org
Does anyone remember the old RopeJock site? He had tons of great bondage stories, many focused on bets and dares, and a lot had to do with tickling.
A blog reader found this link, which has many of his stories archived:
Sadly, RopeJock has passed away. He lived way up in Washington Heights, and he had me over once to play (no, that is not me pictured above). He tied me into a chair, and it was really hot because he had all sorts of hidden pulleys and hooks that he utilized. He also had the most incredible voice. When we were finished with the play session, he called me a car because cabs did not come up that far. If I remember correctly, he had tons of media on shelves everywhere — mostly VHS tapes.
Thanks to Metalbond reader David for passing along the link above!
Ever look in the Wayback machine? Metalbond reader Jamie recently did, and he found some cool stuff. Jamie writes:
Dear Metal,
It is hard for me to imagine I’ve been surfing the “innerwebs” since purchasing my first Gateway Computer back in the winter of 1998. Back then before search engines, finding links and webrings was the haphazard way I navigated on that old dial-up AOL connection. It almost seems as if I’m talking “horse and buggy days,” things have advanced so.
I was like the proverbial kid at the candy store when I found Jim Boyd’s site at GeoCities. Killing some recently I found his old site archived. I was not sure if you had the links or not so wanted to forward Jim’s links as well as a couple other favorites from my past … those old pages sure look primitive compared to what we have grown so used to today!
Thanks, Jamie!
OK, here are the links Jamie sent (these take a few moments to open so be patient):
James Bond’s Dungeons and Divers
Also … be sure to check out
the old Thumblogger version of Metalbond
This kinkster writes some great descriptive text for hot bondage and gear pictures he finds online.
Click for Strappeddown
Also check out his section here in the Prison Library