Tag Archives: prison

Good book

I just finished Alcatraz From Inside, written in the first person by a man who was locked up on “The Rock” for a decade and was involved in two escape attempts:



It’s an amazing story. It shows how easy it is to get started in a life of crime, and how difficult it is to stop. The author eventually was released on parole and re-invented himself as an x-ray technician.

You can get this book on Amazon.



Inmate jumpsuit and police belly chain

I wore this out in public a couple of times over the past week:

Metalbond_Halloween_2013-a Metalbond_Halloween_2013-b

Last Saturday I went to a couple of bars, including The NYC Eagle for NYBOL’s Frat Night party. I ran into a bunch of old friends and new acquaintances, including Neil the Erotic Hypnotist, “the Twink,” David Stein, londonslv and of course my favorite bartender — Gregory (who now has is very own Tumblr feed, check it out!).

It was fun to see people’s reactions. I rode Citibikes everywhere and got all sots of comments from passers-by and motorists. On the way home last Saturday I ran into a very hot Clark Kent, who said he liked my “jailbreak city” outfit.

I also wore this to my gay bowling league, but I was the only one who dressed up for that.

Anyway, if you’ve ever wanted to walk around outside in a prisoner uniform and handcuffs, Halloween is the perfect “cover” to get away with it.

Happy Halloween, everyone!




Bondage Fantasy World – Part 2

By Mister –X / Spartan

During the night I got very little sleep.  My shoulders were in constant pain from the position they were in.  Periodically guards would come to one of the cells, either to leave a prisoner off, then padlock his ankle cuffs, or to pick one up, removing the padlock so he could be marched away with that foot long chain attached to his ankle cuffs.  Some who were being taken away were not pleased at the prospect, so I figured they were being taken for punishment.  But some appeared to look forward to what they were going to get, so I didn’t know what was in store for them.  And all the time it was very hot.

Continue reading Bondage Fantasy World – Part 2

Bondage Fantasy World – Part 1

By Mister-X / Spartan

The ad intrigued me.  “Spend your vacation living your bondage fantasies at our secluded location.  Packages available for two weeks, a month, three months, six months and a year.  Program tailored to your specific desires.  Passport required, as our location is in Guatemala.  If interested, request our application form.”  An e-mail address was given.

Continue reading Bondage Fantasy World – Part 1