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You can never have too much duct tape
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Rope and tape for bondage available here
Video: The Roped Studs studs
One Year – Part 30
By Taurus
Part 30 – “Let’s Go Home”
“James, I -”
“I know, Master. If you’re looking for a place to live, come with me. I have a mansion I live alone in. It’s kind of sad, really.”
“What about after that? I can’t just rely on you.”
“I’ll think of something back at the company. Just wait for my good news.”
“I’m in your debt, my boy.”
“No. This is for everything you’ve given me. Now let’s go home, Master.”
The talk barely took a minute. James had everything planned from the moment Russell entered the door to the director’s office.
As they exited, Director Daniel was waiting.
The WORC Program – Part 06
By Joshua Ryan
Actually, it was like, two rooms, one for the workie and one for the shopper. On the shopper’s side of the room there were two or three nice comfy chairs and a nice wooden table, with something that looked like a big notebook or catalogue that was open on the top. Then there was a polished wooden barrier, about three feet high. Then there was a space. Then there was another kind of barrier. This one went from floor to ceiling and was made out of steel fencing. Yeah, the kind of thing they make fences out of. After that, you were in the workie’s room. Where I was. I don’t need to tell you that there wasn’t any furniture on my side of the room, unless you count the two cams hanging from the ceiling. The lack of furniture made it easier for me to pace up and down, waiting for someone—Mike!–to come through the door on the other side.
By the time he did, I was completely revved up. And he was looking his best. I always liked him in those long, loose sweaters. The drapery showed whatever muscles he had. Surprisingly, his new slacks were perfect. Despite my not picking them out for him.
“Mike!” I said, rushing to the fencing. “I’m SO glad to see you! And you’re right on time!”
Prod – Part 03: Fortnight – Another of Black Knight’s Adventures
By Bikermike
It had been several weeks since James had visited his erstwhile master Malcolm and had had fun in an outbuilding at his house near Bourne, Lincolnshire. They had exchanged e-mails regarding James re-visiting where this was to take place later on during the summer when he would be able to cross the Fens on his motorbike, dressed sexily in his black leather bike suit.
‘I will send you something in the post, boy.’ Was the simple message James received one day.
‘May I ask what it is Master?’ He replied.
‘Don’t be impertinent boy. There will be instructions contained therein.’
Two days later, the package arrived, having been left with one of James’ neighbours, while he was at work. Once indoors he ripped off the wrapping in his eagerness to find a steel chastity device, complete with two small padlocks, and with a typed note, which said
‘Fit this to your genitals boy and return the keys to me by return. I need to be satisfied that you have obeyed these instructions so I will require you to take a photograph of the device in place, which you will then e-mail to me.’
Continue reading Prod – Part 03: Fortnight – Another of Black Knight’s Adventures
Side Effects – Chapter 5
By GratDelay
I was blushing furiously. This was the part of my toy collection that I had never shown to Adin. It seemed like an obvious bridge too far for a straight friend.
Now he was sitting naked in my living room, with me trussed up in leather and steel, my hormones set on an artificial rampage by an experimental drug, and he had been examining things that had been in my ass. With a desperate expression, I shook my head back and forth. This can’t be happening!
He smirked at me. Christ, what had gotten in to him? I’d known him for years; I knew him so well I could pick out girls he would find attractive; so well that I knew he would be glad for me that I got a new toy and no, he would not like to try it on.
The stuff that had gone on tonight was enough to make me wonder a bit about just how straight he was, but it had all been within the range of the secret fantasies in which he starred. But I never, never thought he would be anything but grossed out by ass play of any sort.
Hell, I had been grossed out, the first few years when I went to Mr. S and tried to rush past the section with the dildos and plugs and enema kits; working hard to not see any of it.
I was starting to wonder if I was hallucinating this whole night.
Looking concerned, Adin unbuckled the pecker gag and took it from my mouth. He set it on the coffee table, asking “Is something wrong?”
“Dude, that’s what I want to ask you. What is going on with you tonight?”
“What do you mean? I feel great.”
“This isn’t like you at all. I mean, I get why you would want me to try your new drug, and I appreciate it. I really appreciate you letting me open up to you too. But I feel like you’ve turned into an entirely different person.”
“Don’t you like this person?” He sat down facing me, legs extended, leaning back on his hands. It was such an open, inviting pose. And he was buck naked.
Bondage Buddha
A real life experience by ty dehner
Through a chain of events, that were totally unexpected, i was asked if i would be interested in playing with a Top that is well known in the community, during his visit to the Seattle area. He was staying with a friend that had a dungeon. As communication continued, i found out that i had met his friend a couple of times and knew he was a great guy that i had enjoyed visiting. We had never played but had gotten along very well when we had met at a couple of local dungeon parties.
The Saturday arrived and i headed down to the Lars home. Larry was going to be late, because of a mix up in his flights. Lars and i had a great visit and talked about many things. He gave me a tour of his complex, a beautiful home, with indoor pool and a wonderful dungeon. The dungeon, which i would get to know intimately, was well laid out with many pieces of furniture that Lars had made himself.
When Larry arrived, we visited some as he rested a bit from the long drive from the airport. Then he wanted to get started. And who was i to disappoint him. We went to the dungeon and laid out the gear that was going to be used on me.