Here are some recent messages that were sent to me from blog readers:
Dear Metal,
Here’s a fantasy I’ve had for some time: I show up at your hotel room. I enter, close and lock the door. I face the locked door and strip to my jock strap. My cock is throbbing in its locked chastity belt. I put my black spandex hood on, the one with only a mouth hole, and my 2-inch locking leather collar over it. I snap the lock. I slip on my bondage mitts, and one by one, I lock the padlocks. I clasp my hands in the small of my back, legs spread, and wait your orders. I’m vulnerable. I’m your prisoner. My mouth is yours. I don’t know if or when I will see you, or if the chastity belt will come off, and if it does, will I come?
— Canada
Dear Metal,
It would be cool to be bound in a way that my exposed crotch is constantly tormented by another bound person’s booted foot.
Dear Metal,
I’m curious about what kind of restraint you are in the pic [below] — some kind of canvas sack? Looks nice!

That’s a leather sleepsack that was designed and built by Jim Stewart of Fetters, in London, with the tanned leather side on the inside and the rougher suede leather on the outside. This is a piece of vintage bondage equipment that is no longer available commercially. I was fortunate enough to have been kept in it overnight many years ago (over another sleepsack of black leather, so I am actually in TWO sacks) by BondagemanSF, who also gave me the Mohawk.
Dear Metal,
I just spent a little time on your site. Truly excellent. Great pics, graphics, presentation. Creative, professional and very well designed. Congratulations!
—New York state
Dear Metal,
I’m from Brazil. If you monitor from were come your readers, I suspect that I am the only one who is reading your blog on this country, unless you also count my boy.

According to my site stats, there are almost 3,000 visitors from 137 different cities in Brazil.
Your site is blocked in Thailand. Should that be considered a good thing?
—via the internet
Hi Metal,
Have not been in touch for a while. After 100 days in chastity the relief was fantastic and am now waiting for new instructions from anyone interested in confining my desires. You did not get pics, as I had a few problems near end of my incarceration.
But I have to say that I continue to get so hot looking at your site and again say I get a kick out of all the time u spend getting us guys HOT!!!
drubind aka chastrubpig