Tag Archives: Spanking Straight Boys

Dustin in the Spanking Tower

Here’s another one from Spanking Straight Boys. Dustin is a straight 21-year-old Marine. Given a choice of a wooden paddle or a silicone paddle/slapper, Dustin chose poorly and took the silicone paddle. As tough of Dustin is (and he is most certainly one tough Marine), the silicone paddle takes his breath away, reducing his voice to a whisper as he counts out the 30 strokes. If that isn’t enough, Dustin then gets it with a small, stinging flog and a wooden yardstick (and, of course, Tom’s hand). Dustin really struggles with this spanking. Tears well up in his eyes, and, at times, it seems he might break down.

Dustin in the Spanking Tower

See the VIDEO at Spanking Straight Boys

Title of this update: Dustin in the Spanking Tower

male bondage and spanking