Tag Archives: Straight Up Guys

The Roommate – Part 8

By RbbrStorage

This story originally appeared on RubberZone. It is reposted here with permission.

Less than an hour later, Matt was again sweating in rubber, but this time for the added reason that he was running on his treadmill. Tonight he had returned home to find the rubber hood he had worn the night before waiting for him once again on the laundry, along with a wide tube gag, a rubber wrestling suit, running shoes and a pair of fist mitts. It was an outfit that told Matt that he was in for an evening of exercise.

The tube gag was not for piss, but to ensure that Matt could take the deep breaths that his body would crave while he worked out. But tonight it also served to effectively prevent Matt from questioning his roommate about the events of the day. Matt no longer had any doubt that the way in which his roommate had taken over Matt’s life was connected directly with the refinery. But he still had so many questions – questions he knew that he would probably never get to ask.

The workout was followed by the standard cold shower and the standard dinner – a protein shake poured down Matt’s throat – before the plug gag was secured once again around the rubber hood. And though Matt was then desperately ready to be put to bed and catch up on his desperately needed sleep, it became apparent that his evening with his roommate was far from over. One by one, Matt’s roommate took Matt’s hands, pushed them into a fist, then inserted each inside a rubber fist mitt. Then, carefully, and with a hand firmly on Matt’s shoulders, Matt’s roommate guided him down the old rickety stairs into the cellar.

Continue reading The Roommate – Part 8

The Drone – Part 3

By FirefighterSir

Jax snored softly in a hammock hanging in the warm night air, totally exhausted and a bit sore, his tan football player body marked with bruises and red marks. But he slept deeply and easily after being totally drained from his intense experience. Not so much for grunt.

The collared slave was the owned property of the Captain, and as such grunt’s every action was controlled by him. The slave could hear Jax above him sleeping, but his own night was sleepless and uncomfortable.

The cage sitting under the trees wasn’t long enough even for a short stout person like grunt to lay in fully outstretched, so the slave was huddled on his side, bunching up one blanket to rest his head on while the other blanket barely covered his naked body from the cool air dropping down through the forest as the night wore on.

The slave’s mind kept going back to the situation that landed it in the cage as punishment.

Continue reading The Drone – Part 3

The Examination – Part 7

By Slavebladeboi

I sat back in the bondage chair and watched. David was all but making love to his brother. The leather restraints that held Brandon to the cross squeaked as his wrists put pressure on them, twisting them in his ecstasy, his brothers hands massaging his nipples and reaching down to gently stroke him to a point of no return. I could see them whispering. David stopped and turned.


Why what?

Why would you do this?


You fucking know what! You playing with us so when you’ve finished you’ll chuck us back to that greasy, sadistic perv!

I stared at him. It’s certainly not what I had intended but then I wasn’t sure what exactly I had intended.

Is that what you think?

We don’t know what to think. Bran thinks he trusts you. Me, I know better, as does my ass.

Continue reading The Examination – Part 7