Naked Boys … Reading?


I bed David Stein would eat this up. It’s going to be an evening of great literature, read to the audience by five hot, naked leathermen! Race Bannon, Richard Bolingbroke, Justin Hall, Tim Shaw and Jake Wetmore will take to the stage — in the buff — to read literature from John Rechy and Tom Gunn to Allen Ginsberg and Dr. Seuss in this fundraiser for AIDS Emergency Fund and Immune Enhancement Project.

Poster final 2

Sunday, Sept. 7 at Shelton Theater in San Francisco

More information here

Tickets here

In brotherhood

Tonight I just gotta take a short pause from the usual story posting and picture sharing and porn viewing to reflect, and to offer a personal message to 275 of the most amazing men in the world (you know who you are).

It’s been uplifting to spend the past five days with you. To those of you I played with, and those I wanted to play with, and those I had great conversations with, and carried bags of ice with, and shared a meal or a car or a cabin with, or maybe we just smiled to each other, or perhaps I admired what you were doing from a distance, and to those I wish I had a chance to speak with or reconnect with if only there were more time — it was an honor and a privilege to be among you!

Tonight every part of my body is sore, and I’m physically exhausted. Yet I also feel refreshed, reinvigorated and revitalized. Maybe some of you guys who were at the 2014 event have that same “flying high” feeling right now?

It’s wonderful, isn’t it?



September 2, 2014


Labor Slaves


Labor means work, and lots of it. A slave has no life of his own, and no need for leisure time. Every second of the clock belongs to his Master and should be occupied with meeting His ends and wishes, freeing Him to spend His more valuable time indulging in his own pleasure, or just lying around on His ass all day if He feels like it. Think of it as a 24-hour year-round workday for the slave, with no breaks and no vacation time. Ever. All unpaid, of course.

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Happy Labor Day, slaves! Now get back to work!


(Thanks to GiveYouEverything for the inspiration for today’s post.)

Midnight Surprise

By Ropeluvr

The following is fiction, and enacting it could have possible negative risks. It is provided for entertainment purposes only.

Like my prior story, this is merely a beginning. You can let your imagination run wild or take it somewhere entirely different. I’ve always found that the setup to these stories is more intense and satisfying than what comes afterward. This is probably because the mechanics of sex, slavery and captivity aren’t what get me going. I have fantasies after these openings, but since my experiences and interests aren’t the same as others, I almost feel like I’m cheapening anyone else’s enjoyment by servicing my own. So, there isn’t likely to be a continuation of this tale; however, one never knows what might strike my fancy later.

© Ropeluvr


My backdoor neighbor — that’s a term that amuses my juvenile side, but it’s the best way to describe our situation. My house’s backyard adjoins his backyard. It’s a chain link fence, so there isn’t much privacy, but no one in the neighborhood really has much more than that, so it seems perfectly normal. My backdoor neighbor is tall, dark haired and sports either a clean-shaven face or a goatee whatever seems to suit his fancy. He’s thin, but his loose T-shirts have a hint of sculpt beneath them. Other than mow or trim his lawn, I don’t think he does much else outside of work but go to the gym.

Continue reading Midnight Surprise