Tier Four – Part 2

By BoundLongAndHard

BoundLongAndHard speedosSeth affirmatively responded without hesitation. He did want to hear more. He tried to suppress any apprehension about what additional expectations and requirements came with the “higher tiered work.”

Having gone through precisely this discussion with countless young guys before, Creighton loved the combination of ambition and fear that kept them listening without knowing what would be in store for them. He got off on the power this gave him over them. They were so easy to control and manipulate it almost wasn’t challenge any more. And this one seemed especially worthy. He had a superior body and the right attitude. He would fetch a high price and bolster Creighton’s brand.

Creighton began explaining that the additional requirements of tiers 3 and 4 were straight forward, but again, not for everyone. Tier 3 required the sketch model to be hairless from the neck down. Like an uncontrollably excited student who happens to be the smarted kid in the class and raises his hand immediately to broadcast to all that he knows the answer the teacher’s next question, Seth interrupted Creighton to remind him that competitive swimmers – like he had been – shave their bodies before swim meets. Though he hadn’t done that in a while, this wouldn’t be a big deal for him. Offended by the interruption, Creighton disdainfully explained that he wasn’t talking about shaving. That wasn’t good enough for the higher tiered work here. Seth was confused. Did Creighton mean body waxing? Seth had never done that, but he would be willing to try it, perhaps. Seth took care not to interrupt Creighton again and waited for him to explain further.

Continue reading Tier Four – Part 2

Tier Four – Part 1

By BoundLongAndHard

BoundLongAndHard speedosSeth needed money. Well, more accurately, he just want some “walking around” cash so he could continue to socialize with the other college students who never seemed to care about the price of anything. That description fit maybe half the students at the elite New England college they attended. Seth belonged to the other half. His background was middle class. And he and his parents were pretty tapped out just keeping him in this obscenely expensive school. A little extra cash would help.

One day, after sitting through a brain-numbing solid-state physics class, he passed a room that seemed configured for an art class. Outside the door of this studio was an ad seeking male students to pose for a “live art” drawing classes, and most importantly, offering what seemed like an unusually large amount of money for something like this. Seth had no idea what the going rate for “something like this,” but he thought prospect of posing for some art students might even be fun in addition to providing some money.

The ad did warn that preferences would be given to guys in good physical shape, and noted that models could select among “tiers” of semi-nudity and nudity to track their particular comfort level or preference.

Continue reading Tier Four – Part 1

Austin gets tied to the discipline bench

At BreederFuckers, Austin is kitted up in a jock strap and footy shorts and tied to the discipline bench. His round arse is perfectly highlighted in those thin white shorts. Dave lays into his bum like an angry daddy lashing his cheeks with a belt till Austin’s muscular body is trembling uncontrollably. With his shorts destroyed it’s revealed how burning sore his behind has become, but Dave mercilessly lays into Austin’s arse driving the weeping captive to the edge of his endurance. The sport lad’s gonads and prick are restrained so that any tiny movement Austin makes causes him the most intense agony.

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To see more, go to BreederFuckers – new updates every Wednesday

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