Category Archives: Story

Danny in the Dorm – Part 1

By lukex

I was sitting in my room, attempting to read an assignment for class, but mostly just looking out the window at the brilliant early fall day.  College had started a little more than a month before, and while I was adjusting just fine, at times I found myself wistful for my small hometown world.  The plaza outside the dorm was full of students, on the way back from class, walking over to the student union next door to hang out, returning from sports practice.  How could I be expected to study when just outside my window were dozens of beautiful, hunky young men walking about?

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Cyberbondage Concept

Here is a thread that someone might weave into a story. I note that cyber bondage is a subset of our kink, executed by a webcam and the internet. A few authors have woven elements of cyber control into their plots. slave alex’s master soldered a GPS recording tracker module to alex’s keyring, so his movements during the day were logged and alex was obligated to a daily upload to his master’s database. The advertisement by a slave for a master posted on your blog contained the idea of being chained, standing overnight at attention in the basement for not meeting his master’s work quota for the day.

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Nerves of Steel

By RbbrStorage

Jason could have sat there all afternoon.  A California beach.  A beautiful day.  Pounding surf.  And surfers.  Hot, young, tanned, muscular surfers in tight, shiny rubber and neoprene wetsuits.  This was the image that had brought Jason to California – this, and the fact that the declining U.S. dollar made it impossible for him to spend the entire summer in Europe.  At 21, he had just graduated from college, had no idea what he wanted to do with his life, and was certain that a few months of wandering would clear his head and give him direction.  And right now, that direction was due west, where he found himself drooling over the image of a masculine stud stripping out of his wetsuit in the middle of the beach and drying himself off.  All those winters wasted in Michigan – if only Jason could have had parents who lived in California.

“You a surfer?”

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Bondage Fantasy World – Part 3

By Mister –X  Spartan

I didn’t sleep much that night from the worry.  The normal morning routine was again followed, and I soon found myself back in the outer office of Hans.  “Ze next, and last, phase requires being taken to yet anosser room.”  I was once again marched into the maximum security part of the prison while effectively naked, but with restraints.  This time I did not have the blindfold on, so I could see into the other cells.

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Buried Alive


stories by CREUSSHere is a true story…

I have accepted to let you know about an experience I had a couple of years ago.

You will notice that there is nothing exceptional, and we agreed in advance with the “programme,” so no surprise…

So, we had a very nice Wednesday in the forest, a few years ago, in February… How surprising as by chance it was probably one of the nicest days of this winter.

My mate collected me at his local railways station, outside of Paris, near Fontainebleau … We made our way to the forest, and parked the car as close as we could, but we still had a couple of kilometres to walk.

We loaded our rucksack on our backs and made our way through the forest.

We crossed a couple of hikers, but not much… they looked at us as we were both wearing French army combat dress, but we ignored the fact…

Within half an hour we get on the site he had planned…

We did start with some bondage games, but this is not the plot right now… I will let you know another time for this part of the game…

I wanted to get buried in the sand, up to the neck…

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New York 1985

By thatsonesickpuppy

i was 24, living in Manhattan and having a lot of fun. It was winter, and i was in a bar in the Village with a small backroom, i’d just come out from the back and sat down, having a beer, having a cigarette and relaxing, looking hot in my first pair of leathers.

He walked in, and i spotted him straight away, and i guess he saw my interest. Unlike everyone else he was wearing a three piece suit, tie and over coat,  just like he’d stepped out of a GQ spread.

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Bondage Fantasy World – Part 2

By Mister –X / Spartan

During the night I got very little sleep.  My shoulders were in constant pain from the position they were in.  Periodically guards would come to one of the cells, either to leave a prisoner off, then padlock his ankle cuffs, or to pick one up, removing the padlock so he could be marched away with that foot long chain attached to his ankle cuffs.  Some who were being taken away were not pleased at the prospect, so I figured they were being taken for punishment.  But some appeared to look forward to what they were going to get, so I didn’t know what was in store for them.  And all the time it was very hot.

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