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New in the Prison Library
Hey prisoners, are you enjoying the gay bondage stories in the Prison Library? I hope so. Here are some recent entries:
Andy and Master Paul by unknown
Cell by Catdude
Tim the Bondage Slave By Mister-X / Spartan (new chapters added)
Keep checking back for more stories!
Andy and Master Paul
By unknown
It was the first time Andy had played with Master Paul. He’d spent a very horny afternoon being tied up, strapped down, used and abused in various ways by the experienced Master, and he was looking forward to a similarly fun-filled evening with him.
Leather skinhead with cuffs
Confinement box built by Redneck Mark
Check out these pictures from Metalbond reader Mike of a confinement box built by Redneck Mark:
Redneck Mark (who goes by Bootsncamo on Recon) also built my cage.
Mike says,
Dear Metal,
I notice you have been featuring some confinement boxes on your site. Here is the one Redneck Mark made for me. The large flange on the bottom of the door is for an electromagnet lock. It also can be locked both from the inside and outside with a padlock.
Thank for the pics and info, Mike!
Strapped in tight …
… really tight!
Today’s chair bondage and gas mask images are from the men over at
Ballet and dance performance bondage
I have a bondage buddy who happens to be total sissy queen when it comes to anything involving the ballet and modern dance. Sure, he’s kinky a hell, but he is also very “nelly” if you know what I mean. He even wears scarves and brooches and has a limp wrist and he calls people “darling” and (I swear this is true) he even carries his collection of ropes and gags around town in a Degas bag. For real!
So one day I was over at his place when I noticed a flier for the American Ballet Theater featuring this hunky stud of man-meat adorned with rope:
And when I asked about it, he tells me the guy is none other than Marcelo Gomes, one of the world’s most famous ballet stars (and he is smoking hot, just google him if you don’t believe me!)
Anyway, then last week I was reading The New York Times and I ran across a review for a performance at the Joyce Theater in NYC called “Pilobolus” that was apparently inspired by the escape artistry of the great Harry Houdini in which the performers actually tie each other up with ropes and chains.
And I figured, bingo, I can do a blog posting about this! And yeah, it’s apparent that the ballet and dance is totally about bondage now. Who would have guessed? Fags.
By Catdude
Josh walked down the stairs towards the cell, he knew that his booted feet would make a fair bit of noise on the metal stairs, but then that was the point, he wanted the occupant of the cell to know he was coming, and all the good and bad things that implied, he swung open the door and smiled at the scene before him, at the far end of the room, though it was essentially a cell since it contained a prisoner, was two metal poles embedded in the cement.