Meanwhile, back over at Reluctant Young Men, it’s straight stripper Luke’s turn to get tied up and beaten:
Click for Reluctant Young Men
Meanwhile, back over at Reluctant Young Men, it’s straight stripper Luke’s turn to get tied up and beaten:
Click for Reluctant Young Men
Here is a picture from the MALE BONDAGE version of a controversial new Ford India ad campaign:
Thanks to RH at Mencomix for passing this along!
You can find a banner ad linking directly to the Dream Boy Bondage site on the Metalbond LINKS page or click here
Check out the image from Metalbond reader Kuirsourire:
By Collector2
This story is the sub’s side of “Plans for the Weekend”
I’ve been fascinated by the leather lifestyle and bondage for quite some time. Unfortunately the few guys that I have gone out with have had no interest in it. So I decided to try going to a leather bar I had heard about. My first thought was “I don’t want to stick out” so a quick trip to the local B & D store saw me outfitted with leather pants and a harness. I must confess that, even thought that is a fairly tame outfit, I felt uncomfortable in it.
Click for MANFLESH
Click for Men on Edge