Click for He Thong
Anyone ever heard of the Captured Discipline timer lock box? Check it out:
NoEscapeSlave writes:
I had been searching for a time-lock safe for some time (so I could put handcuff/shackle/chastity keys in it for extended periods) but turns out they are REALLY hard to find, VERY expensive and most come from Europe. The only other thing I have seen are the ice self-bondage locks from Mr. S but those have limited use and can’t be used for real long scenes.
After one exhaustive search I came across a time-lock small box safe that is made for people who want to stop their bad habits (like cigarettes, snack foods, etc). I decided (for less than $100) I would buy one of their safes and it really is GREAT. It is small enough to carry anywhere and can be kept IN a cell or cage with you (or just within reach) yet there is NO way to unlock it once it is set for a certain time period. So far, I am very happy with it (of course NOTHING beats an actual CAPTOR carrying the keys to your bonds but they are often hard to find all the time). One thing I do in addition for safety since I have to practice self bondage at times and live alone is I usually take my cellphone and put it within reach of my cuffed hands outside the cell/cage so that IF the safe did not open for some reason or I needed emergency medical help I could call someone. Of course calling anyone would be VERY embarrassing and you would only do it IF you were in real jeopardy…otherwise you are forced to wait until the safe opens at the specified time.
Although the safe comes with 2 regular keys to use as well they do NOT send you these unless you ask for them and if you DO ask for the keys they allow you to send them back to them for safekeeping as a free service for their customers … in order to avoid anyone opening the safe prematurely.
Oddly enough, the name of this company is Captured Discipline. They list many many uses of their products (EXCEPT this) You have to wonder if they sell many of these to us twisted bondage addicts. I am also curious if anyone else has seen/purchased this product.
I think he was getting or got tattoos of the chains?
The erotic artist O’Melissokomos gave me a muscle makeover!
Thanks, O’Melissokomos! And thanks to ‘Bulk’ for sharing this with me!
Check out these images from a blog reader:
The prisoners are tied up in ZODIAK rubber hazmat suits in the top’s playroom.
By John Strickland
an excerpt
Zac sat down on the wooden steps leading up to our deck. I sat down next to him, my leather pants creaking.
“Come sit down, Keagan!” Zac said.
Keagan plonked down a step lower. The sun glinted off the buckles down the back of his jacket and gleamed off his PVC-covered thighs.
Zac and I were both studying Keagan’s straitjacket. It was the real thing, – a Posey asylum jacket with a red trim to the top of the jacket.
… My email in-box was filling up big-time, and it will take me a while to post all the pictures and stories you guys sent. So if you sent stuff to me recently, keep checking back over the next few days and weeks. Thanks as always for keeping in touch!
Here is some of the feedback I have received on the blog:
Alphabjfan writes:
Hi. Just came across your website today and am speechless from the wealth of horny material on it. Can’t believe I did not come across it earlier in life.
And I must agree with you on the beauty of things that lock. For me as a sub there is nothing quite as horny than hearing a padlock or a set of handcuffs lock close. Nothing like moving around and seeing, feeling and hearing a locked padlock dangle around.
I read with great interest your ideas on things for a chastity slave to do. I have my own ideas and shall run them past you at some point, you may be interested.
Manaclesman Hans writes:
You asked your readers to tell what they think of your blog.
Well, I think it’s excellent. As said earlier, I look every day in the Netherlands at your blog and I’m not the only one, I think.
I wish you a lot of (further) success with it.
Callipygianguy writes:
I can’t wait to hear more about Jockstrap. I saw the latest updates… poor guy!
BTW, do you know if your friend who writes Waiting for Ross is planning any more updates? It’s been a while…
Happy Holidays!
Jon writes:
You asked for some suggestions on keeping Jockstrap in chastity, so here they are:
(a) As a personal trainer, Chris should set Jockstrap challenging fitness goals and only allow him a release as each goal is achieved. Jockstrap will find focus he’s never had before, whilst enduring the humiliating feeling of a locked cock whilst he works out to the max. In case a goal is proving difficult, Chris could offer to relax it if Jockstrap accepts a suitable punishment (something not to be taken too lightly, like a session with the paddle/strap/cane, or time in the Punisher).
(b) Something like the CB6000 might be most suitable for wear during exercise, although the Mysteel Ergoslim could be interesting – it’s better looking, looks like it offers decent freedom of movement and would securely hold Jockstrap’s cock in a steel tube between his legs.
You could keep your blog up to date with Jockstrap’s progress.
Bob writes:
Went to dinner tonight and outside the restaurant saw a guy in a medical neck brace. All i could think of is how miserable it would make your jockstrap, immobile as he is. I am a bad person.
FirefighterSIR writes:
I am trying to rope in a few new slaves at the ranch.
I require a slave that can travel to the ranch and commit to at least 3 days of service each time. Slave need not be hung or even sexually active but it is plus. Straight guys who need discipline and punishment often also apply.
A bondage fiction fan writes:
I found a story in My archives about a slave kidnapped off the streets of New York, loaded into a semi and drive to the ranch, kept bound to a fuck bench the entire time. The semi stops at truck stops along the way so that truckers can rape and torture the slave for cash.
Lthr Boy writes:
The story on your blog about Master Paul using a hood and single padlock on Andy – It comes from Hooder UK’s website. I remember masturbating to this particular story many, many times, and have frequently thought about having a sightless, tight leather hood padlocked on my head.
Some of Hooder’s website is still available via the internet archive. The story you posted used to be under the “Hoods and Blindfolds” section of his main page, but it looks like he changed the story. I always loved his site because under each one of his fetishes, he would post a story, then explain why he liked it. I suggest reading “Interview with a Torturer” on his story page.
One thing to note, because the internet archive doesn’t save background images, the pages appear all white. In order to see the text, CTRL + A to select all and either copy into a word editor or just leave it highlighted to read.
Story Page here
Main Page here
Ken writes:
I’m pretty sure the Master Paul and Andy story is by my old friend Eddie AKA Hooder. He used to have his own UK website but he took it down a couple of years ago and I have no idea how to contact him these days. He was a frequent contributor to sites like Jack’s Rack, and is fondly remembered for stories like The Wall and The Fiend.
boycj writes:
My MASTER has asked me to research a shock collar for myself. Any suggestions? tips?
Max writes:
You asked for comments on your blog. My thoughts:
It might be a good thing to get more of the amateurs to contribute or at least say once a week have an amateur day.
I believe that your site should get back to metal as well, it is missed. Something in the beginning was very attractive to see the uniform and metal – that got a lot of attention.
If you need a story line I can certainly contribute a total metal set or two.
Chaingang63 writes:
Got to say, I love your blog. I hit it every night before going to bed. Helps me, um, how do I say this, release some energy.
Thanks for keeping it hot!
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
— Metal
By PFC Pflege
Part 1
I met Mark through friends of mine. He was 19 years old; I was 28. It was the summer that everyone was gin-rummy mad, and played whenever we could. Most of the guys were in their early twenties, and didn’t have a place of their own yet, or, if they did, it was a small apartment. Since I had just bought a house, it was natural that a lot of the games were played there. We’d have 6 or 8 guys playing, sometimes more; none of us had a lot of money, so the stakes were real low. On the weekends, if the fever was on, we sometimes played all night, nodding over the cards as the light of early dawn filled the rooms.