Tag Archives: bets and dares

Football Season

By Mister-X/Spartan

My partner and I are both fans of professional football. We share a house. We are also both bondage switches, about the same size. We both played football in high school but were not good enough to be on our college team, and have kept in shape since. A few years ago we hit upon the idea of using fantasy football in combination with our bondage desires. This worked sort of okay, but was difficult, due to the unpredictability of the various players and the various games. We would need some way to add or subtract players during the season, and what with our work, this got to be time consuming. But during the drafting of the players it became clear that I was a fan of National Football Conference teams, whereas my partner was a fan of American Football Conference teams.

One thing led to another, and we decided a couple of years ago to change from fantasy football to inter-conference games to decide who won each week’s match between us to decide who would restrain the other.

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Chastity Suit – Part 01

By Rubbag

Josh and me have been dorm buddies all through college. We had hit it off straight away on the first day as sophomores, and since then we’ve shared the same room, the same gym, the same women. Even a sloppy kiss once, after having too much beer after college football. Our last season the finals, we won and then that night, don’t even go there, that’s best forgotten. We where drunk and stoned, that’s why, that’s all. That’s Josh and Jed, or the twins as we’re known in the halls, twin jocks. Now we’re not brothers, but we might as well be, same height, 5 10, same build, football jocks with the same boyish blond features, mid-west Corn Belt. Certainly Josh knows me better than anyone else the world. We know what each other are thinking, which makes most of our conversation wasted.

That’s how it had been for most of our four years at college, the two of us all but joined at the hip. It was only in the last that semester that things began to change.

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Lost a Big Dick Contest

Meet in a hotel room, bring the following:



jock tea

tape measure


big dick contest loser sign


bottles of beer

shaving cream

pie tins

deck of cards

bucket or jug for pisspot

piss gag




peanut butter

dove soap


wrist restraints

gunge supplies

paper towels

garbage bags

supplies for ultimate loser punishment if you win


Pre-challenge A – Big dick contest

Both guys strip to shorts and jock, no cockrings, ballstrechers or any other “toys” can be worn on any part of the body. Stand facing away from each other and drop shorts and jock. Both guys get as hard as they can, then after 60 seconds turn and face each other and compare dick size.

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By Boyinacage

Part I – Mike

My name is Michael. Sorry, my name was Michael. I used to be a lad. 100% Alpha, I’d stick my cock in whether the guy was willing or not, if the hole was there, I’d take it. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed getting a good fuck too, but on my own terms and time. When I wasn’t out humiliating some other lad with my cock you’d find me at Romeo’s Bath house playing pool, or at the Eagle doing the same. If I couldn’t humiliate you with sex, I’d do it at pool.

If you lost to me at pool, you paid the price. There was always a bet. If you were lucky you’d get down on your knees and blow me off in front of the bar. One poor sod went for the best of five, ratcheting up the humiliation bank with each game on a wet Friday night many years ago. The poor preppy, he ended up naked, hand-cuffed and wearing a spider gag in the last stall at the back of Romeo’s lower basement. Good spot, very dark, and the staff never went there. Don’t know how, or when, he got out, although I did tip off Josh, the guy behind the bar who owned Romeo’s, after l had dropped in on the Sunday afternoon to piss down the loser’s throat. Deep down I’m the sharing, caring sort.

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Stud Poker

By Norm

Hey boys, glad you could make it to our monthly fetish night poker game. We are up to 5, last one in makes stud. Mike, the host for the evening said. The dress code of leather or rubber was strictly enforced, and tonight was no different. A leather cop or two, as well as rubber men gathered in Mike’s garage, turned playroom. Not long after, Kurby, came in, out of breath. Tonight he was in his motorcycle leathers, chaps and a jacket, and what looked like something rubber underneath tightly plastered to his skin.

“I’m not late am I fellas, my cycle broke down and I had to push it 4 blocks.” Kurby was an ass, really just a young kid, on his own, always late, and usually hitchin’ a ride. Most times he was pretty broke, and thought he could win some extra money at the games. The guys had met him at the local bar and if it wasn’t for his great body, no one would have bothered. Most of his ability to think centered around his dick, and not much else. Tonight he was the betting stud, and the opportunity to dish out some needed training.

“Well Kurby boy, I’d say you’re just in time. You’re the designated betting stud tonight.”

“Shit, guys, not again, last time it took me a month to grow my hair back.” Kurby moaned.

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