By Miles Pierce
(Author’s note: I was sent this by a trusted academic who wanted to make sure this was known but couldn’t professionally be associated with it.)
Note on the translation: this section of the portfolio seems to have originally been published by a Venetian printer by the name of Aldus Manutius. Due to the issues of this work being referenced by many sources in many nationalities, the original language cannot be verified and due to subsequent censorship and destruction of all known copies, may never be known. We do know it was both highly sought after and scandalous even at the time of publication. The language in this fragment has been modernized, when possible, for the ease of consumption by contemporary scholars.
The Terrible Punishment of the Strap, the Service, and the Stump during the Third Month of My Capture
It was these two days of brutality that utterly and entirely broke me.
The diligent reader will realize that my captivity had many moments that offered nothing but dejection. The slaughter of many of the men under my leadership, the capture, debasement and disbursement of the remainder of my party, the auction house, my first taste of the whip, harness training and the initial cruel sexual attacks on my person where all crushing. This cascade of misery, though, tore hope from my being.
Continue reading Selected Remnants From the Lost Publication ‘My Two Years in Captive Servitude’