Tag Archives: Dream Boy Bondage

Video: Julian is forced to endure extreme torture

At Dream Boy Bondage, a muscle stud is sentenced to extreme torture. His leather jacket is unzipped, revealing ripped abs and massive pecs, but his strength will be no match for the brutal gut punching, electric shocks and whipping he will endure before he is crucified and broken on the rack. The title of this video series is “JULIAN – Wages Of Sin”

muscular man at Dream Boy Bondage video

There are NINE videos in this series from Dream Boy Bondage

Here is a free preview video of part 3:

Dream Boy Bondage videos

Dream Boy Bondage

Video: Blake Ellis – Total Submission

At Dream Boy Bondage, Blake has been physically trained by a dominant friend, Alex Killian, who convinces him to hit the gym, shave his body and get down on his knees and suck cock. Now in peak condition, Blake becomes a total submissive, tortured and fucked at will. The title of this video series is “Blake Ellis – Total Submission”

There are ELEVEN videos in this series from Dream Boy Bondage. Here is a free preview of Part 3:

Click for Dream Boy Bondage

gay bondage videos

Objectified – Part 01

By darthvader

Finally I have found the gimp I have always been looking for. I had been chatting with my new sub for a couple of weeks, when we finally made the agreement. I had given the gimp 4 weeks of time to think over our agreement. He finally accepted all the terms…and there would be no return to his normal life in any case…

As we had agreed he quitted his job and found a buyer for his apartment. The money that he gained would be used to buy the gimp gear and pay for his low cost nutrition for the years to come. After all the gimp’s furniture had been sold I finally picked him up. “This is going to be the last time that you will ever sit in my car unrestraint. You are aware of this?”

“Yes, of course master. I deserve it.”

“I am happy to hear that you know your place, gimp!”

Continue reading Objectified – Part 01

One Year – Part 14

By Taurus

Part 14 – “A Friend”

Russell slowly undid James’ bondage, first flipping him on his front to unknot the rope, then onto his backside. The gag came out last, after he had been sat back up.


“I know what you’re gonna ask me, so I’ll tell you: pleasure sessions don’t mean orgasm sessions. I could let you cum, or I could edge you. The pleasure was in the time you were free from your cage.”

A lengthy silence capped off this part of the conversation. It was Russell who broke the silence.

“Got any more questions?”

“Who was that just now, sir?”

“It’s Riley, another slave like you.

“He’s new here, and he’s staying for a month, a little longer than the two weeks for most normal people.”

James blushed. The year he signed up for was just a tiny bit crazier. Seeing this, his handler chuckled and patted his shoulder.

“Ah, his thing is being treated like shit. He asked for his handler to all round abuse him. All allowed in the contract, of course.”

Continue reading One Year – Part 14