Click for Club Inferno Dungeon
Here are some pictures from Boot Lust featuring Trooper Harris:
Click for Boot Lust
I really like the work of the artist Mitchell. Below are some examples from his “Legend of the Path of Pain” series. These images are used with permission of the artist.
To find out more about this artist, you can check out his blog – Mitchmen. If you are a fan of erotic gay male BDSM artwork, Mitchell’s blog is an absolute must. He features works of many different kinky artists in a feature he calls the “A to Z of Fetish Artists.”
You can also subscribe to the artist’s Yahoo group, also called Mitchmen, where he has many more drawings — as well as several illustrated stories that are quite good.
Due to some problems with the internet police, Erik of the popular R&R — Roids and Rants site has moved to a new location.
Click for Roids and Rants.
You can read some stories by Erik by clicking here.
Thanks to Herodotus for the artwork above!