Tag Archives: other bloggers

‘Torture porn’ artist Sparkie Shock

Check out these works by 3D artist Sparkie Shock — shared here with his permission. If you like fantasizing about muscle bondage, torture, kidnapping and other dark themes, he’s definitely worth checking out!

torture porn artist Sparkie Shock

In an email to me, Sparkie Shock described his art as “torture porn” — and he also sent me an animated gif that really got my attention! You can see much more from this artist on his Patreon and Tumblr pages, as well as his main website.

HINT: If you pledge to support him via Paetron, he’ll give you access to additional content. I already signed up!

Sparkie Shock

I love it when guys on Tumblr write hot captions like this

Anyone can re-blog a picture on Tumblr but it takes a special gift to “add value” by writing a hot story line, like Do Not Open Til Christmas has done here:

long term bondage


Side note: Personally, I am going to miss Tumblr when it’s gone. It’s apparently just a matter of time before the religious right succeeds in forcing the Republicans in Congress to shut down so much of what we freely see and enjoy — according to this article by Kristofer Weston.