In Hampton, Iowa, of all places …
“Spend an hour … or a day … or a week in a real jail,” the site says.
Official website here.
In Hampton, Iowa, of all places …
“Spend an hour … or a day … or a week in a real jail,” the site says.
Official website here.
By PFC Pfledge
We all remember when we first had an interest in bondage, and the first time we were tied up. You wouldn’t be reading this account if you aren’t interested in being tied up, or tying other guys up. I was first tied up when I was younger, then a number of times during high school, when I was a teenage wrestler. I loved wearing those skin-hugging tights, showing a huge bulge, as my buddies, Steve and Peter, would hogtie me.
In college, I had a lot of bondage at the hands of a local high school senior, ostensibly straight, but who enjoyed tying me up in skimpy Speedos, and being tied up himself, on his knees, to a post in my parents’ basement. When I was in the Marine Corps, and stationed in Hawaii, I was tied up in a tight spread eagle almost every night in the last three months of my enlistment. I also tied up my tormentor, David, many times, too. We wore the smallest possible Speedos in the hot Hawaii climate, and neither of us “noticed” the other guy’s straining bulge and packed, smooth curve of my or David’s crotch.
Got your DVR handy? Here’s my viewing list:
What shows am I missing? What are you DVR-ing?
If you ask me, Alaska State Troopers is probably my favorite. Not only are the officers smoking hot, but the have great haircuts and well-fitting uniforms. I also think they are really good at what they do, treating people with respect and de-escalating situations and handling moose. Plus it’s awesome to see the wilderness and I love the deadpan narration. And did I mention they are hot? And they have cuffs.
Meet Chainedphil — who is spending 500 hours in chains to raise money for the Terrence Higgins Trust. Fucking hot if you ask me!
Learn more about Chainedphil at his JustGiving page and his Facebook page.
Check out these clips of what life is like on the inside:
What kind of pervert would take a tour of a famous battleship, then head right for the BRIG? A Metalbond reader, of course. Check out the picture below and the information sent in by an anonymous reader of this blog:
Dear Metal,
The New Jersey was very cool. I took the self-guided tour, and enjoyed the berthing areas, Marines’ compartments — and the brig. There are no sinks or toilets in the brig cells, so the prisoners have to be escorted by a Marine to the head. I’m guessing they’re cuffed and/or shackled for the excursion. There are three cells right next to each other, each just barely bigger than the fold down bunk. Inmates were only served bread and water in the brig, for up to three days. If longer than three days, they were escorted by the Marines to the mess deck.
—from a reader
Metal would like to thank the reader for sharing this brig picture. Anyone else who has experience with a brig is invited to get in touch via email!