Tag Archives: RopedStuds

Male BDSM: Bondage stud Connor Halsted gets tied and tortured

At Roped Studs, J.J. and Anthony couldn’t be happier because they have finally landed porn star Connor Halsted as a sub – and Connor has no idea what he’s getting into. He thinks “A little kink play, a little flexing against some ropes, and I’ll walk away with a nice check.” Instead he’s subject to long and painful rope bondage by two true sadists. Wearing a mesh Aussie Bum jock and a muscle shirt, Connor is roped to an inclined X-cross. J.J. rips the stud’s shirt open and flogs his smooth chest, then rings his pecs with two-dozen tight-packed clothespins. You can see the pain on helpless Connor’s face. He has bitten off way more than he thought – and it’s about to get much worse.

Bondage stud Connor Halsted

VIDEO at Roped Studs

male bdsm Timarrie Baker gets tied up

male bdsm Bondage stud Connor Halsted

Bondage stud Wyatt is roped and nip tortured

At Roped Studs, J.J. has Wyatt tied to a bondage chair, wearing nothing but an AussieBum jock, a cropped A-shirt and a latex hood. Tight ropes at his wrists, elbows and knees hold him in place. J.J. strokes the bound captive, then rips open his shirt so he can play with his nipples. He moves his hand down Wyatt’s lean body to his cock, stroking it under the jock until it hardens and stretches the fabric. Wyatt moans half in pain, half in pleasure as J.J. covers his nipples with multiple clothespins and works his dick. The pain-pleasure continues as J.J. removes the tit-crushing pins and tickles Wyatt’s nipples, then smacks them with a bamboo rod.

male muscle bondage

Get the VIDEO at Roped Studs

male bondage and torture

Bondage studs Marshall and Trey get tied face to crotch by Seamus

At Roped Studs, young bondage pup Marshall has no idea what a kinky fuck his new master, Seamus, really is. Seamus has himself a new captive, a sexy guy named Trey, and he thinks it’s time for his two prisoners to become one. He brings Trey in, conveniently harnessed across his well-developed chest. Next, lovely, lean Marshall is tied to the display post. Trey is so dumb he just sits there, not quite sure what will happen next. But Seamus knows. He ties the second prisoner right in front of Marshall’s throbbing cock. A quick yank of the red rope, and Trey’s face is smashed against Marshall’s skin-tight bikini briefs, that cock now just about to burst from its package. “Suck it!” Seamus bellows, grabbing the back of Trey’s head and forcing the Trey’s mouth onto Marshall’s cock.

male buddy bondage

Video at Roped Studs

male bdsm Timarrie Baker gets tied up

male bondage roped studs

The Ride

By ty dehner

I woke with the familiar smell of the barn that I sleep in. In the corner is a corral that Boss Kevin has customize for his property, me. I roll off my back onto my elbows and knees. Many months ago, Boss decided I will be his horse. It has been a challenge, for during the week I have a full-time job, but it is a work from home position, so Boss is able to control me completely.

This Saturday morning, I can see the small window on the side of barn that allows the morning sun to shine in. The layers of suits I am locked in start with a layer of Under Armor that is followed by a heavy rubber suit with openings for my cock, balls and ass. Next a rubber hood that has a gag that fills my mouth with a tube leading into the gag. My cock is trapped in a heavy Carrera bondage chastity device. A plug fills my ass and is locked under the rubber.

The final layer is heavy brown leather horse suit that keeps my arms and legs bent and is pretty much one piece. There is lacing on it for Boss to tighten it. The knee and elbow parts of the suit have heavy rubber pads that allow me to walk with my elbows and knees and not feel too much. The thick rubber is shaped like horse hooves and even have the iron horse shoes on the base. There is a horse shaped hood that goes over a leather hood, which is laced on. He doesn’t have me sleep in the horse shaped hood. The laces and zipper lock and Boss doesn’t use small locks they are heavy Master locks.

Continue reading The Ride

The Facility by Mister-X/Spartan

By Mister-X/Spartan

Mark finished his morning dump. He carefully worked the butt plug back in. Then he put on the belt which held it in place, also making sure that his dick, which was in chastity, was pushed down between his legs. He didn’t want that to be noticeable at work.

With the important part done, he finished dressing in his heavily starched crisp white fitted shirt, tie and three piece suit. After tightening his tie as tight as he could get it at the top of the high collar of that shirt that looked and felt like it was molded onto his body, he added the tie pin underneath it, bringing the bottoms of the shirt collar tightly together at the middle of his neck. He looked in the mirror and saw a sharply dressed businessman, picked up his briefcase, and headed off to a long Friday of meetings. He was going to have to concentrate to keep his attention on the meetings and not on what he would be experiencing afterward and through the weekend.

There was a break for lunch. At least he didn’t have lunch with the people he was having meetings with, and was able to meet up with Jerry to have a bite.

“Hey, Mark. You’re looking pretty sharp!”

“I don’t feel it. Just finished four hours of boring meetings.”

“I’ve had a rough day, too. I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend.”

“Me too.”

“Got anything planned?”

“This is my weekend to visit that facility.”

Continue reading The Facility by Mister-X/Spartan

Buying Love – Part 4

Cutieboy90 gay bondage storiesBy Cutieboy90

Much to Sputnik’s disappointment, he did not get another collection that night. After dinner, he spent some more time in the lounge. There was a basketball game on this time, and he and Steel spooned together on the mattress watching it as their hard cocks were tended to by Tanner and Rex. Mascot joined after a while, and he and Sputnik eventually left the lounge together. Back in Sputnik’s room, the two had settled in together sharing a few kisses and groping at each other with their mitted hands. Sleep came quickly once Sputnik had laid down with his favorite dog in his arms, and his semi-erect cock resting next to Mascot’s balls. He could get used to falling asleep like this.

When Ian arrived in the morning, Mascot reluctantly took his leave of the black leather stallion. Ian promised them they’d have some time together later on. The morning followed the same routine as the day before. Warm mushy breakfast out of the trough, followed by treadmill time on all fours, then bipedal treadmill sprints, stretching, and lunch. Today after lunch though, Ian lead Sputnik to a new room instead of the lounge.

Continue reading Buying Love – Part 4

Video: Vinny is snatched off the street and tied up in the dungeon

Scroll down for a free video preview from the men of Dream Boy Bondage. In this update, Vinny Blackwood is snatched off the street wearing a crop-top and tight running shorts.

Vinny Blackwood is snatched off the street wearing a crop-top and tight running shorts

Vinny Blackwood is one of those athletic, well-built young men who was blessed with good genes and good looks. Working out a little here and there, he has one of those bodies we all admire and lust after: naturally lean, with broad shoulders and an unusually small waist. His skin is flawless, creamy, firm and virtually hairless. And if that weren’t enough, he has the face of a male idol, with perfect teeth and bright eyes. Like so many cocky gay men, he loves walking around in public in revealing clothing, crop tops and running shots that show off his lean body and round ass. Most of us just leer at such men, but Felix Frost takes what he wants – and today he wants Vinny, whom he literally grabs off the street. Fast-forward to the dungeon: Vinny is strapped to a torture rack, hooded and helpless, in his sexy running outfit. He will be brutally tortured and fucked, beginning with a long, hard gut-punching. “Please! I’ll suck your cock!” Vinny begs as his body is pummeled. “You bet you will!” Felix says, punching him even harder.

Here is a free video preview — be sure to watch in full screen mode!


See the entire shoot plus much more at Dream Boy Bondage – they have TWO new updates every Friday and this site is definitely worth the money!

Also check out their ancillary site, called Roped Studs

Dream Boy Bondage video preview