Tag Archives: rubber

Lukas gets suspended in a rubber hood and straitjacket

Check out Lukas Tyler in a StudioGum rubber hood and straitjacket. His partner DungeonDaddy attaches suspension cuffs over his shoes and attaches the cuffs to a suspension bar connected to an overhear hoist. With the push of a button Lukas is hauled into the air upside-down.

rubber hood and straitjacket

See the VIDEO at Serious Male Bondage

Title of this video: SWITZERLAND IN DECEMBER – PART 31

Lukas Tyler male bondage

Video: Rank tortures his rubber gimp

Check out these scenes from “The Deal,” a video available at Serious Male Bondage:

TheDeal-006-R199 TheDeal-008-R199 TheDeal-076-R199


Rank assembles a unique suspension frame and uses it to crank his rubber gimp up and off the floor with an overhead winch. Once airborne, Rank torments the captive with a vibrator and a unique breath-control hood.

Here is a free video preview:


Finally, Rank strikes a deal with the gimp whereby he must attempt to turn himself around 360 degrees before he will be released from the suspension. Will he be able to do this?

See the FULL VIDEO at Serious Male Bondage

Title of this video: The Deal


Video: The Experiment

The guys at Serious Male Bondage love testing new gear – here is smokin’ hot Bruin in the awesome new GA-4 full-enclosure rubber suit from StudioGum. He wears a gas mask inside the hood of the suit, which has a pass-through fitting allowing him to breathe outside air. Once he is fully sealed into the suit, they suck all the air out. Further experimentation is required to achieve total immobilization, but hey, they’ve got the time.


See the FUL L VIDEO at SeriousMaleBondage.com

Title of this video: The Experiment



Code Yellow Containment

Metalbond Rank CodeYellowContainment-043-R010-A CodeYellowContainment-045-R010-A CodeYellowContainment-051-R010-A

The photos above document initial experiments with a rigid fiberglass case and a dual-hose gas mask. In this configuration, one of the hoses is used to supply inhale air to the captive in the case, and the other is for exhausting the exhale air. Both hoses are connected to a dual-chamber bubbler bottle via copper fittings mounted into the side of the case. As a result, the inhale and exhale air must pass through its own chamber of liquid creating resistance to the flow so the captive must exert more effort to maintain normal inhale and exhale volumes. As the air passes through the liquid it also creates a unique sound, which allows us to monitor the depth and rate of the captive’s breathing. As Rank demonstrates, the fiberglass case and its associated apparatus provide him with a novel and efficient means of transporting and storage of unruly captives. A video of this scene is available on SeriousMaleBondage.com titled ‘Code Yellow – Containment’ which highlights Rank’s effort to contain the spread of vanilla sexual preferences around the planet by his contaminated prisoner in the yellow suit.

NOTE – this information is for entertainment purposes only. This type of confinement play and breath control is extremely dangerous and possibly fatal. Do so at your own risk.


See the video at Serious Male Bondage


rubber bondage jackoff