By GratDelay
I had to get up. I had to move!
Adin had said the paralysis was wearing off, and I definitely had control of my voice again. If I didn’t get moving right away, Adin would keep me stuck here all night.
Were my toes wriggling? Could I twitch my fingers? Nothing. This was weird stuff.
Adin came back into the room with a pile of my gear.
“Forget it Adin!” I said firmly with false bravado, “not gonna happen.”
“Stand up and tell me that to my face!” he said scornfully.
What had come over Adin? He knew about all my toys, but had never shown any interest in them. For that matter, he’d never shown any interest in my dick before either. I was feeling very confused. But I had more pressing concerns, because no matter how confused I was, Adin was standing over me with some of my favorites.
“No Adin, I’m serious! An hour’s enough already.” The thought of Adin putting me into bondage, using my own toys, was like another dream come true, but I really didn’t know if I could handle it, given the state I was in, and what had already happened in just the last 40 minutes or so. At the same time, my hypothalamus texted a command down to my groin: Make it so.
Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 3 →