Tag Archives: spread eagle

Human Cattle – Part 11

By Pickle

I don’t know how long I was hanging there before I heard the barn door creak open.  I didn’t bother to lift my head.  The sun streaming in behind them cast a bony, elongated shadow of each of the four men, as they each entered single file from the far side of the huge space.  Their shadows were remarkably similar to the shape of the aliens on the ship.  It freaked me out!  Even though I didn’t want to let these guys know I even cared they were coming back to mess with me, my curiosity got the better of me.  I had to sneak a peek. Just to make sure it actually was my buddies that had me in this splayed-out “fix” and not something much more sinister.

Hanging here, I began to wonder if I actually HAD been struck by lightening, however many nights ago it was.  I was half-hoping I was in a coma, and that all of this shit that both Steve, and the aliens had put me through, was just some place, a slightly kinky guy’s brain, like mine, takes him when he’s in that weird medical state.  Part of me wondered, “Am I dead, and this is what eternity will be like?”

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 11

Human Cattle – Part 9

By Pickle

When I turned my barn into a gym, I invested in a secondhand ice bath.  I was never so happy I had done that as I was now.  I knew there’d be a shit-ton of inflammation in my tendons, muscles and joints since my body had been put under so much duress.  Pulled apart so unforgivingly!

I’d never endured any “test” so tough or extreme before, so I didn’t even bother to strip off before plunging myself into the bath of frigid water.  It felt like a billion tiny sharp needles jabbing my body as I lowered myself in, but once submerged, it began to numb some of the pain.  My endorphins were already in high gear from the torture. There was no other word for what Steve had made me endure, but the freezing cold water seemed to make my brain kick-in and deliver a more healing type of euphoria.  I stayed submerged for five minutes before slowly climbing out, looking like a drowned rat.  I took my wet clothes off and hung them on the line in back of the house.  When I finished, Steve was already sitting in an Adirondack chair, again swallowing down a beer.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 9

Human Cattle – Part 03

By Pickle

I had been deposited back on the cowpath exactly in the spot from where I’d been abducted.  I was again dressed as I’d been before it all happened, and seemingly no worse for wear.  I lay there face-down on the muddy cowpath for a few minutes, soaked to the hide from the rain that was pelting down upon me and covered in muck, just trying to gather my wits.

I had memories of what I thought had happened but wasn’t sure if they were real.  I thought I MUST have been hit by lightening and it had short-circuited my brain enough to give me those hallucinations, but I felt fine … better than I had ever felt, really REALLY good in fact.  Kind of euphoric, but also full of energy and strength.

I felt around to the back of my neck, and sure enough, there was a slight, thin ridge.  I’d be checking that out with mirrors as soon as I got inside my farmhouse.  I checked my watch and it was only a little more than an hour after I’d left the cottage.  In my mind, it had felt like days that I’d been aboard that starship, if I indeed HAD been.

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 03

Wes refuses to talk even under harsh torture

Meanwhile at Dream Boy Bondage, captive Wes Morales shakes his head in terror, looking around helplessly, as a metal chain is wrapped around his cock and balls and electrodes are attached to it. “Ready to talk?” the man asks. “Fuck you!” Wes replies a second before the man flips a switch sending many volts through the three inches of flesh at the base of the stud’s cock, lifting his body off the table as he screams in agony. The shocks, often lasting a minute or longer, continue, over and over, the voltage doubling over time. The young Marine’s naked body glistens with sweat, his beautiful muscles twitching and contracting until he is a quivering mass of boy flesh, delirious with pain and exhaustion.

The young Marine’s naked body glistens with sweat

The young Marine’s naked body glistens with sweat


VIDEO at Dream Boy Bondage

Title: Wes Morales: U.S. Marine – Chapter 4

See the video at Dream Boy Bondage

VIDEO at Dream Boy Bondage