See more like this at Boot Lust
See more like this at Boot Lust
By Thunder
I first met Master Jake on the Internet, when he responded to an ad I had placed looking for someone to help guide me and teach me about being a human dog. I had always had the desire to explore this and had played from time to time, but the desire was building and I found it definitely time to explore this part of life I wanted more and more. I should back up and tell you a bit about me. I am 38 years old, 6’4”, 205 pounds, a journalist, masculine, athletic and in pretty good shape. I don’t have much family, so this type life is a bit easier due to this. I live and work in a smaller Midwest city that is not known for it’s kink prowess, although I never had trouble finding men to date.
Anyway, it was about 3 weeks after I placed the ad that Master Jake contacted me. He emailed that he was a stern man who already owned 3 full time human dogs and was seeking at least one or two more to complete the pack he had always sought. Master Jake was in his early 50’s, a retired military lawyer who now owned a small farm in Southern Georgia where he lived with the dogs. He volunteered that he was a man of wealth through family money and good investments and worked now managing his money and other’s primarily from the farm, although he did maintain a small office in town and practiced law there when needed. Around this small town he was known as a very good man who was a bit authoritative even with others from time to time. A few people in the area knew of his BDSM inclinations and one or two knew of the dogs and served as dog-sitters when he traveled for personal or business reasons.
Check out what happens to Curtis at Dream Boy Bondage:
Title of this shoot: “Curtis – Torture Twink – Part 5”
See video at Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday
Today’s artwork is from Herodotus
It’s all about things that pinch in these shoots from the bondage masters over at Dream Boy Bondage and Roped Studs. Check out the free video clips below, which look great in full-screen mode.
First, at Dream Boy Bondage, Topher has his pecs and ball-sack ringed with clothespins. Then Jared places one of those steel wood clamps — you know, the kind that can crush a finger — right on the tip of his cock:
And at Roped Studs, meanwhile, Lance climaxes his series by pumping out a massive load of cum all over his abs — right after they cover his dick with little clips, and a really nasty one right on the tip.
To see more, go to Dream Boy Bondage
And also go to Roped Studs
Check out these pictures from Dual Drew:
This is The Schandmaske available from Steelwerks
Drew writes:
“Titanium Schandmaske — possibly the best Steelwerks product for pierced casual wearers or newbies as it’s just amazing and relatively inexpensive — without a six-month wait too – though some lock in this device 24/7 since it can go through airport security and is clean and light with just as much security.”
Read Drew’s full report here
Learn much more about this device here