Hero in distress

If you like illustrated stories, artwork and comics under the theme of “hero in distress,” you will want to check out the Aquadude Bunker site, which features lots of artwork created by artists like Amalaric. The new site is fantastic for those who like to see muscle guys getting tied up and tortured!

Artwork by Amalaric

Click for Aquadude Bunker

Aqudude Bunker Amalric Chained Muscle

Metal would like to thank to Jeb Nicholls for passing along a link to this site!

Rex: A James Story – Part 05

By Rex

Based on a true story.

Alan took James off in another direction. I couldn’t help but notice how well James moved on all fours. I however was having a hell of a time, Todd wasn’t wasnt making it easy on me either, jerking on my chain every couple feet to get me to move faster. My chain? Is the training kicking in already.

“Nothing more exciting than locking up a pup,” I almost expected him to start singing no doubt about it, Todd was having a lot of fun.

It was hard to get my bearings in the dark, I really wasn’t able to focus on anything before Todd would give another hard yank. Eventually, I realized our destination, Todd was leading me into what looked like a shed on the compound. It wasn’t anything huge maybe a 10 x 10. Todd unlocked the door and flicked a switch, several very bright lights lit up, blinding me with their fury.

Continue reading Rex: A James Story – Part 05


By slavebladeboi

He sat there, although there was very little else he could do in the circumstances. Right wrist cuffed to right ankle, left wrist cuffed to left ankle and a short metal rod between his ankles which meant he could roll onto his side but that was about all. When his back ached too much he pulled his knees up to his chest, when his legs needed a stretch he straightened them again as much as he could. The cycle repeated itself in shorter and shorter spaces of time. He’d had his clothes on at first but they came after a while, cut and tore his shirt off, laughed as they pissed on him, pushed him over onto the wet concrete where the puddles accumulated and left.

He’d more or less dried off when they returned. This time they rolled him over and began to cut off his jeans. He’d protested at this only to hear one of them sigh. The same one, when the cutting and tearing had ended with him now only wearing his 16 hole boots, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small metal spring loaded clamp. They forced his mouth open and fixed this to the end of his tongue making his protests noisier but less coherent. The final addition was a thin chain, one end fixed to the clamp, the other to the centre of the ankle bar. This pulled on his tongue relentlessly unless he pulled his ankles tightly to his body but even then it wasn’t enough to get it back into his mouth. And of course it made his legs ache even more.

Continue reading Thief

Pictures: An extreme chastity device incorporating scrotal piercings

Check out these pictures of a very intense chastity device, which incorporates steel rods through a PA and numerous scrotal piercings. The device is worn by a male slave who is controlled by a female owner. The pictures are from Miss M. of the www.BDSM-COUPLE.com site. The hardware is made by Steelwerks.

femdom extreme chastity

Miss M. writes,

“Here are some photos of my slave wearing his new Cock Cage. The Cock Cage is secured to his body by 11 steel rods through his cock and scrotum: 1 steel rod through the hole from his PA piercing and 10 steel rods through the holes from the piercings in his scrotum. The steel rods are all 10 mm in diameter.

“It is impossible for him to remove the Cock Cage and it’s impossible for him to have erections while he wears it — and it stays on. It’s only removed very briefly about once a week for a thorough cleaning.

“We live in a real life BDSM relationship. He is my slave and I can use him any way I want to — no limits except my own — and I enjoy using him in custom made videos for paying clients with special ideas.

“I have marked him as my slave with tattoos and I keep him locked and denied for many months at a time. So far his 2020 has been orgasm free — but I do allow him to milk his prostate using huge dildos. His anal skills are exceptional!”


To see more, visit the femdom site BDSM-COUPLE.com

And of course be sure to also visit the official Steelwerks site


Metal would like to thank Miss M. for sharing these pictures and information!

Breaking Boys: Colin – Chapter 1

By RotherhamMan

Only one of them knew when the door opened that the life of one of the two of them was over.

This was not the case before the door opened, it was a fact that came into being when the two men looked at one another and at that moment, Colin’s life as he knew it was done and a new one would soon be taking its place. That moment lit a fire in Don’s eyes and sent his heart racing with the thrill of anticipation.

It was, of course, his looks that sealed his fate, as it was for every man who crossed paths with Don whom he took an unfortunate like to. He was just touching six feet tall and had a lean but firm figure, his chest and arm muscles were made known by the t-shirt he wore that was just a little to tight, as he well knew. His work trousers were loose but that didn’t matter. His face was what sealed the deal, with a thick beard and dirty blonde hair styled up and back he was a handsome figure that could almost pass for a Viking in the right costume. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, young enough to be Don’s son if Don were interested in women or having children.

Continue reading Breaking Boys: Colin – Chapter 1