Category Archives: Story

My Trip to Paris – Chapter 04

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 4: The First Time I Saw Paris

The bus seemed to be full; it must have made several other stops before getting to me.  Some of the passengers were dressed in solid orange, others in stripes.  A few were in normal clothes.  It was very quiet; the only sound was the rumble of the highway, the faint sigh of the A/C, and the rattling of shackles when somebody shifted his feet.  There was a guy in the seat next to me, a young guy with long blond hair—the kind of young guy that makes you feel old.  He was one of the prisoners in stripes, his yellow hair lying pitifully against the black-white bars on his jumpsuit.  From time to time he sniffled, and I knew he was crying.  I wanted to look out—to do something besides listen to my chains clattering every time I moved, but there were bars on the window and I couldn’t see much more than him, raising his hands to dab at his nose, and a blur of sky striped with steel on the other side of him.  The bus went fast.  Then we were off the freeway and driving through a town that had to be Paris.  Nothing else in the region had that beaten, rusted-out look.

The bus stopped for a train, and I saw the line of dead factories that followed the tracks.  After the last boxcar limped past we bumped across the rails and onto a wide street that should have been filled with cars and lined with businesses.  Should have, and wasn’t.  We were going slower, so I saw more, but all I could see was vacant lots, factories with rust creeping across their sides, and liquor stores with their windows blocked up.  Then, abruptly, the narrow lawns and the broken sidewalks and the parking spaces filled with derelict vehicles were replaced by a gray concrete wall rising next to the street, tall and long and getting longer as the bus slowed down.   And now it had stopped.

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 04

My Trip to Paris – Chapter 03

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 3: Ideas Have Consequences

When I was a freshman in college I went through the kind of depression that kids sometimes have when they’re away from home for the first time.  Finally I got myself out of bed and went to a counselor.  He told me that depression is anger and the way to escape from being angry is to express your anger.  Your anger is your truth, and you should release it.  I listened, and since then I’d never been depressed.  I’d lost some friends, but whatever.  They weren’t real friends; they were just people who wanted to control me.

The same with Gordy.  Call it disappointment, call it partnership envy, call it a frustrated dick—something was showing me that this guy was a control freak.  It wasn’t the job of Colonel One and a Quarter Drinks to make me pay for tales of his partner, or monitor my alcohol consumption.  I’d been drunk a thousand times before, and I’d managed to keep my car on the road.

But . . . on the other hand . . . .  A thought occurred to me.  Maybe I’d been too hard on him.  Way too hard.  Maybe this Patrick person wasn’t his one and only.  That was a thought!  Next time, I’d be nicer to the guy.  Much nicer.  And maybe he’d wear his uniform.  It must be more interesting than he was letting on.  I loved a man in uniform!  But I wasn’t fooled by Gordy’s superman act.  I knew how much civil servants made; I’d had enough trouble getting those dudes through escrow.  And here was a guy who had to live in a fuckin prison!  I’d have no trouble outbidding “Patrick.”

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 03

My Trip to Paris – Chapter 02

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 2:  We’ll Take a Cup of Kindness

We met at La Bête Bleue, which was a couple miles from my house.  He lived in Paris, but he didn’t mind traveling.  And after all, he was my guest; I’d be paying.  I was sure he knew that Bête Bleue wasn’t in the price range of a prison employee.

I got there early and had started on my cocktail when he arrived.  The sound of his ass hitting the booth made it clear that he was heavier than I’d remembered him.  More pounds, but apparently they’d all gone to muscle.  Unlike my extra pounds.  Bête Bleue is dark, but I still had to do my best, keeping my spare tire out of sight . . . .

The big smile—that was new.  Not his bashful college smile—something more interesting.  When you’re in business—when you’re successful in business, anyway—you’re alert to smiles that have had to be learned.  So good for him, he learned it.  And I can’t deny it was attractive.

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 02

My Trip to Paris – Chapter 01

By Joshua Ryan

This story is for adults and about adults only.  It is also fiction.  Any connection to real entities is purely coincidental.

To BUCK, with deep gratitude for his inspiration.

Chapter 1: Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot?

I was 34 years old and I was already retired.  That’s what it felt like, anyway.  You’re probably thinking, “Great! Way to go!”  But if so, you may be wrong.

I’d been running the family business—it’s real estate—ever since I got out of college.  It was failing; I made it a success.  And if you think that running a real estate firm is a tiresome office job, you’re definitely mistaken.  As I found!  In fact, my work was risky and exciting.  It kept me going all the time, and I liked it a lot.  Just beating the bigger guys out of the market, hearing them whine about “aggressive tactics”—you can’t top that for entertainment.

Lately, though, I wasn’t liking what I saw when I looked at myself in the metaphorical mirror.  Cash flow great, staff pretty good, kid brother running most of the day-to-days. . . .  Fine.  But no problems, no challenges.  Whatever came up, my listless eyes had seen it all before.  In the mirror—a jaded businessman.

An attractive portrait?  No.  The picture in the actual mirror wasn’t exciting either, if I looked closely enough.  I was 34, but people still called me “the new kid”—for good reason.  Great hair, great clothes, and that million dollar smile . . . .  You can’t beat first impressions.  But I knew what was under the trendy tie and the slightly edgy dress shirt and the soft, gray, reassuring slacks.  I’d put on plenty of weight in the past few years.  And now I was doing what people do when they don’t really have to work—drinking more and more, getting up later and later, looking harder for friends to dine with . . . .

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My Pal Jock and the Raucous Party

By Hunter Perez

“Jock, will you please let me out of this?” I asked.

“Eventually, Bingo, but not right now,” he responded.

It was around eleven at night and we were in the basement den of Jock’s home. He was reclining on a couch, dressed in tight jeans and a black tank top that seemed to make his pale muscular upper torso glow. I was all in silver – or, to be more precise, I was trapped against a pillar while wrapped from ankles to shoulders in silvery duct tape.

“Look, I’m really sorry about what happened,” I said.

Jock chuckled and shook his head. “I’ve told you already, I’m not angry at you.”

I tried to push my arms against my duct tape imprisonment, but I was unable to move – the binding was too tight to allow even the slightest of wiggles.

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Life as an Owned and Controlled Slave

By slave Mark

This is a genuine story of my life as an owned slave. I will add further stories if anyone is interested.

I met my ex owner on a BDSM web site after chatting and exchanging messages I travelled to be his owned and controlled slave. Master had told me he wanted full control of my life I would have no privacy no rights no secrets. I would be controlled in every aspect of my life and suffer from any errors on my part.

So I packed everything up and made the 6 hour journey by coach wearing what he had instructed me to wear and following his instructions for travel, I was to sit with my hands on my knees, not allowed to read, eat or drink on the journey during comfort breaks I was to get off coach and stand to the side with hands behind back legs apart head bowed.

It was a long journey which gave me time to think of my life ahead.

Upon arrival I collected my bags and made my way to Master I knelt Infront of him and handed him my bag of personal items including passport and wallet.

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7 Days in Berlin – Part 09

By Takeo

Day 3 – Thursday June 13th – Training

I do not know how long I sleep until I wake up for the first time. Usually, I tend to sleep on my side, or even on my stomach. But here, the height of the cage under the bed is not high enough for me to turn around. Although I am not really tied up, the straitjacket prevents me from turning over. Without the straitjacket, I think it might have been possible.

Despite being tied up in a neoprene suit in a straitjacket, with my head in the big hood, a plug up my arse, all bathed in the smell of piss, I actually manage to sleep not too badly. Not continuously, of course, but I still manage to get some rest. It is mainly the swelling cock in my cage that wakes me up. My mind wanders and creates scenarios based on what happened during the day, which inevitably leads to painful erections.

When I wake up, I do my best to move my aching limbs, while avoiding waking Sir Flo and Franz, who are sleeping right above me. I can feel their breathing and movements in their sleep and there is no doubt about it, they are sleeping like bliss.

Continue reading 7 Days in Berlin – Part 09

My Pal Jock and the Rainy Night – Part 02

By Hunter Perez

I squirmed on the bed, uncertain about what was going to happen next. Jock’s drunken gaze was indecipherable – I could not tell if he was laughing at my bondage or plotting about how to further humiliate me.

I tried not to show that I was afraid and thought to myself: “What would JimmyUSMC do if he was in my position?” I then unhappily realized the answer: He would probably be collecting a nice fee for his work. After all, JimmyUSMC gets bound up for a living – no wonder he’s always smiling while in chains – whereas I was involuntarily volunteered into a trap of handcuffs, rope and a ball gag.

After staring at me for what seemed like forever, Jock finally lumbered to the headboard and pulled at the chain connecting my handcuffs. He rubbed his fingers over the cuffs and scratched his fingernails lightly into my skin.

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Rainy Night – Part 02