Check out what happens to Preppy Stud over at Straight Men In Trouble
To see more, go to Straight Men In Trouble
Check out what happens to Preppy Stud over at Straight Men In Trouble
To see more, go to Straight Men In Trouble
By Mister-X / Spartan
The next day I informed my boss and my co-worker that it was on for them to come to my home that evening after work to meet my house mate and ask him where he got my clothes. During the day, my co-worker seemed interested in how I enjoyed wearing such tight clothes and whether it got me sexually excited.
Another kind of “bondage without restraints” is forced nudity.
Imagine you are a boxer or MMA fighter and you need to “strip down” before weigh-in. Your trainer has all your clothes. But unfortunately you are 5 pounds over for your weight class and he is going to force you into the sauna and he won’t let you have your clothes back.
Or maybe you are pledging a frat, or you are a rookie on say a rugby team and there is a humiliating initiation ritual in which you are forced to strip and your clothes are taken away.
In either of these scenarios, even though you might not be actually physically restrained, you are still under the control of another man or men. I mean, you can’t escape your situation … you are, in a sense, fucked.
Some of today’s images are from the RuggerBugger site
Those of you who are regular readers of this site know that I am a huge fan of gay bondage porn. Especially bondage STORIES! That’s right, I just can’t get enough of really well-written bondage fiction — stories like Trust Us, Waiting for Ross, Danny in the Dorm and The Roommate, and even novels like Brig.
Here’s another thing: While I am not an old man, I am no spring chicken either. I’m old enough to know what the world was like before cell phones and before cable TV. There were three channels and if you wanted to see something else you had to get up and turn the knob.
The Internet? When I was growing up nobody knew what it was. If you wanted porn, you had to buy MAGAZINES in X-rated stores. In the American Midwest, where I grew up, there were no gay adult bookstores. You had to go to the straight “XXX” bookstore, located in a bad neighborhood downtown, and walk to the back, where they had a small section of gay porn mags with titles like Honcho and Inches. But there wasn’t much in the way of gay male kink.
Later, when I was in college, I discovered a little digest called Manscape, and also Drummer magazine, which opened up a whole new world for me. Fuck it was great. I could read about all sorts of twisted ideas for gay male bondage sex. When Bound and Gagged magazine came out it, was the greatest thing ever. Another one of my favorites was Manifest Reader (pictured above).
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