The Prince of Pain

By Quandt

I just got home after a weekend of play in the mountains of Georgia.  I want to share it with you.

I have been playing with Mike for about 15 years now.  We make a date for every six months and then alternate Top and Bottom positions so we bottom to each other at least once a year.  Anticipating our play dates keeps a lid on our excitement and gives us time to negotiate and roughly plan what might happen.

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By Mortice Deadlock

I’m an average guy. I’m not very fit or particularly attractive.  So why was he interested in me?

He was great – mid-twenties, quite a fit body, pretty face, one of the cuter guys in the bar. So why did he take a second look at me?

Simple, he must be rent. He was chatting to me without mentioning any money, and I liked chatting to him, so I’d let him and see where it was going.

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Xmas Domination

By ChastitySub

A few weeks before Christmas, I started to get the feeling that my boyfriend Mike was up to something. There were a number of sizable packages arriving in the mail addressed to him, and he had prohibited me from going down to the basement work room. And by prohibited, I mean he put a padlock on the basement door.

By way of background, Mike and I have been living together for about six months. From the start, he was clearly the dominant sexual partner in the relationship.

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