Tag Archives: Bareback Plus

The Inescapable Canvas – Part 02

By THHoudini and yohan555

Chapter 4 – Bound Desires

Nat woke up in the dark, not knowing where he was. He could not see anything. Then he remembered, Yohan had tricked him, tricked him in a straitjacket that was more than a normal asylum restraint. A straitjacket that was somehow magical and that had transformed and fused with his body. The darkness he lay in wasn’t just a void—it was a living, breathing beast, a predator that didn’t merely surround Nat but sank its claws into him, seeping through his skin, threading into his veins like a venom that burned and begged for more. It wasn’t silence—it was a symphony of torment: the creak of leather stretching taut over his thrashing body, the thud of his pulse roaring in his ears, the faint, slick whisper of spandex shifting beneath the straitjacket’s iron grip. That jacket—fuck, it really wasn’t a jacket anymore, he had not dreamed that. When the blinding white light had faded, it had shed its innocently looking soft clothing shell, transforming into a seamless, glossy shroud of black leather that fused to him from his broad shoulders down to the thick curve of his hips. No buckles, no seams, no escape—just a second skin that clung tighter with every breath, every twitch, every curse he spat into the void. It was still reacting to his movement, still adjusting to him as he moved.

Continue reading The Inescapable Canvas – Part 02

Chain Gang – Part 01

By slaveobjectx

The Court

‘Ten years slavery with hard labour in a chain gang, no remission, take him down.’ At first I thought I’d misheard the guy. He was old and kinda mumbled through a dirty grey beard. And he looked so bored when he said it, like it was no big deal or nothing. Then I thought it was some kind of joke, like a local way of saying, ten years community work, part time, something like that. Because slavery was abolished long ago, and chain gangs were too. Apart from that, the duration of my imprisonment would be in no proportion to the crime I was thought to have committed. Therefore, at that moment I heard it, I was quite sure, it was either a mistake or just an old-fashioned way of speaking in this remote provincial town, (which was behind the times in juridical terms), and most likely both.

So I guess you can say that I was surprised when, as soon as I was off the stand and down into the lower regions of the courthouse, a burly guard snapped two handcuffs, connected by a short chain, onto my wrists and shoved me into a cell. ‘Your transport will be ready for you in about ten minutes, boy,’ he said breezily and stomped off, his boots echoing on the stone floor.

Continue reading Chain Gang – Part 01

My Pal Jock and the Party Guest

By Hunter Perez

Jock is my best friend and I love him dearly, but there is one thing about him that I dread and that involves his penchant for party giving. It’s not that he’s a bad host – far from it. In fact, his parties are extraordinarily generous regarding the delicious foods being served (most of which he creates in his kitchen) or the selection of beverages made available (some of the most expensive wines and spirits I’ve ever enjoyed).

My problem is that Jock never seems to realize that I don’t fit in with his social set. The guests at Jock’s parties can be divided into three categories. First, there are the money boys – the trust fund babies, the day traders, the hedge fund jockeys and investment bankers who gather and compare their portfolios and share insider tips on the next hot stock. Second, there are the gym bros – they wear the tight t-shirts that show off their musculature while they babble about supplements, steroids and iron pumping. Third, there are the bears – the leather clad beefy guys who congregate on the back porch to smoke their cigars and talk about whatever it is that bears talk about. I’ve never been able to eavesdrop on them, hence my ignorance regarding their conversations.

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Party Guest

7 Days in Berlin – Part 08

By Takeo

Day 2 – Wednesday June 12th – Back to the apartment

I am totally freaking out. I am locked in a straitjacket, wearing a muzzle with a leather insert in my mouth, in the trunk of a car of someone I don’t know. My cock still caged, and still wet from the juice of three guys who jerked off in my tights.

I can feel the car making its way through Berlin traffic. With every turn and every braking or acceleration, I shift a little in the trunk. I am not blindfolded, but it is completely dark inside.

My main fear is that the gag will make me vomit and suffocate to death in this trunk. Yet in the various discussions we have had, Florian has always seemed to be very attentive to safety, and I cannot conceive of him leaving me like this. He probably doesn’t even know if I get motion sickness?

I try to relax and breathe calmly. Actually, no, I don’t get motion sickness, and the gag isn’t too big and I have no trouble swallowing. There is no reason for it to go wrong. The moment of panic passing, I start to enjoy it, and immediately my chastity cage reminds me.

Continue reading 7 Days in Berlin – Part 08

The Resort – Chapter 11

By TklBndg516

Pilot Program

On Thursday the team met to discuss the outcome of the focus group and the plans for the pilot program.  They all agreed that the meeting with the focus group went well.  They got a lot of good feedback that confirmed some of the things they had already figured out and provided some new ideas.  Then they worked on the rules for the Pilot Program.

Participants in the focus group would be asked to set up a partner account with Jeff as the controller.  They would be told that Jeff would relinquish control immediately if any of them wanted to opt-out of the program.  He would also provide them with self-control of the device whenever requested.  Use of any additional features would initially be under self-control.  As the program developed, they may limit self-control, but they would always have the option to opt-out.

Continue reading The Resort – Chapter 11

The Prison Writer – Chapter 15

By Joshua Ryan

I know I’m coming into this story pretty late.  I also know that if it was a story by Steven Meres, the plot would be set up so it was all about the hero.  If you liked him, you’d be disappointed if anybody else barged in.  If you didn’t like him, I guess you’d be happy if somebody showed up to grab your attention and twist it for a while.  Whatever … this is where I come into the plot.

I am Carl Owen Abbott III.  Despite that, I’ve always been known as Colly.  I was the “college kid” on the boat that day.  I put that in quotes because I was 19 already.  Meaning fun’s over, right?  Time to decide what you’re gonna do for the rest of your life.  Not sure how seriously I took that, but…

Naturally I was in college.  Everybody goes to college, and my grandfather’s name was carved on the lecture hall at Kingston.  The same hall where I scrolled gay porn during lectures.  Laughing out loud here!  I was a pretty good student, but I knew that even if I weren’t I’d get a decent legacy grade and a more than decent legacy job.  If I wanted one.  If I just wanted to hang out and read for the rest of my life, that would be fine too.  Better, in fact.  My brother had been running the company since our parents died, and he didn’t need to be bothered with Collylocks, as he called me.  Yeah, nice blond hair.  But the point is, I’d never been punished for anything, and maybe that had something to do with what was gonna happen.

Continue reading The Prison Writer – Chapter 15