Tag Archives: bets and dares

The Bet – Chapter 02

By lthr_jock

As we walk into the club, it is empty except for the two barmen still setting up. The music is on but at a lower level than it will be later. Bob has clearly arranged this last night, because the small stage is empty except for a heavy chain locked to a ring protruding from the centre of the stage. Bob unclips the leash from my collar and padlocks the chain to the front. The weight of it pulls my head down. The chain is about 6 ft long so allows me to stand (just) but if I stay on all fours, I can get to near the edge of the stage. That is I can until Bob padlocks my ankle shackles to the ring. Now I have no choice but to remain here in full view of everyone who comes into the club.

Bob crouches down in front of me. The rubber suit is making me sweat and I can feel it pooling inside the suit. My muscles are already aching from the stress position that my arms are in. “OK, slave, so here you are nicely on display for everyone coming in to see. I think they need to see the man who has Topped so many of them reduced to being a rubber slave, don’t you?” I shake my head in the negative, grunting into the gag and begging him to put the hood back on. All I succeed in doing is making myself drool even more. Bob wipes up the drool with one gloved hand and then smears it in my already messy hair. He tuts, “What a mucky slave. I might have to shave that head later – slaves don’t need hair.” My eyes widen at the thought and I continue to try and beg him not to.

Bob stands up “what a loud slave. I might have to find some way to quieten you down.”

Continue reading The Bet – Chapter 02

The Bet – Chapter 01

By lthr_jock

As I park my BMW in the quiet street, I’m feeling nervous. I don’t know what’s about to happen and I’m not used to this queasy roil in the pit of my empty stomach. I look up at the house I’m visiting and part of me wants to turn around and drive home – and it’s a big part. But I made a deal, and I don’t back out of deals. But this deal is such a tough one. I lean back in the leather seat and close my eyes. What was I thinking? How did I get myself into this stupid position? I think back to yesterday evening – it all started so normally.

I look at myself in the mirror before getting dressed to head out to Backstreet. I’m 40 now and while I’m not as fit as I was when I was 25, I’m still muscled and give the gym bunnies a run for their money when I hit the weights – which is most days. At 6ft2” I’m a natural top and I have the rugged face that comes from my Polish heritage. My black hair is greying and I keep it short – No 1 crop at the sides and longer on top. I have a thick moustache and neat goatee and am hairy most everywhere else. Everything about me screams “Top” which makes life very easy indeed as that’s the role I love to play. I grin as I imagine what everyone else at the bank would say if they saw what their manager gets up to in his free time. I run my hands through my hair, using some gel to spike it in place and then I get ready to head out.

Continue reading The Bet – Chapter 01

Poker Night

By hard slave

The five of us had a standing game for a few years running, first Friday of every month. We alternated hosting, but mostly it was a Jake’s place as he had the most room. We were all a few years out of college back then, had decent jobs — unmarried but able to live on our own. It started with a low cash ante, no heavy bets. We eventually worked our way up, so that the winner usually came away with about 50 bucks. We didn’t need the money, so the stakes were kinda boring to all of us.

One night Jake suggested playing for something else. Let’s try strip poker tonight, he laughed. We nervously laughed along with him, but agreed. The loser of each hand would roll a die and take off corresponding number of garments. I lost first, rolled a 4, no big deal as each shoe counted as one item, same for socks. The game progressed and eventually Jim rolled a 6 ending the game. As he pulled off his briefs, we all hooted and pointed. What jerks.

Continue reading Poker Night

Tough guy takedown

Muscular straight stud Shane desperately wants some extra money, but he refuses to get fucked or do anything sexual with other men. At BreederFuckers, they compromise by asking him to pose for some photos while he’s in bondage. He submits to being expertly tied while fully clothed with his arms secured firmly behind his back. It’s all very friendly and cosy until the moment when those big tough muscles he’s worked for years to build up are full restrained. Now he’s helpless. They whip down his track suit bottoms to fully feel and appreciate this stud’s sculpted body. Shane detects something pervy and wrong is happening, but no matter how much he strains he can’t escape. His clothes are cut off from him, leaving him utterly exposed. Just tweaking Shane’s nipples gets him bucking like a bull, but they have much worse in store.


They grip and stroke his big healthy cock that’s only been used to screw his girlfriend. The rope gag secured to the ceiling is raised so he must balance painfully on his toes. They subdue the angry fucker, delivering some swift punches to his taut stomach and lashes to his body. Adrian wrenches his briefs up so they slice right into his arsehole and Dave can deliver a whacking to his big round arse cheeks. His big fat todger is jerked mercilessly and his tight hot hole is aggressively fingered. Shane’s thick cock is tied up and his balls are restrained. They are done fantasizing about what this fella looks like under his sporty gear. This is how Shane should always remain: naked, restrained and exposed for whatever they want to do to that sterling body.

Gay_Bondage_Metalbond_02 Gay_Bondage_Metalbond_03 Gay_Bondage_Metalbond_04 Gay_Bondage_Metalbond_05

To see more, go to BreederFuckers


Busman’s Holiday – Part 06

By lthr_jock

Clark realised he had to get home as soon as possible – he dreaded to think what Vickers would do with access to his house. He twisted the key in the ignition and went to put the car in gear – and immediately realised that he had a problem. With his right hand on its usual position on the wheel, he couldn’t reach the gear level. Instead, he had to slide his right hand around to the bottom of the steering wheel. He growled and drove off, almost immediately jerking to a halt – as he has pushed down the accelerator, the chain between his ankles and wrists tightened and nearly pulled his hands off the wheel. In the end, he found that he could drive along with both hands near the bottom of the wheel.

As he drove home, he found that the best way to do it was keep slow and gentle. As a result, he drove along considerably slower than he would normally. To make it worse, luck was against him and every traffic light he met seemed to be on red. As he sat at one, waiting to start again a car pulled up beside him. He ignored it until the car sounded its’ horn twice. He looked across to see a pickup truck with two laughing men inside. From their slightly elevated position, the passenger could see down into the car and had a clear view of Clark’s predicament. He had obviously told the driver who had leaned across to see. Clark blushed and tried to ignore them, also trying to move to disguise the bulge that the cock tube was making in the rubber jockstrap.


Continue reading Busman’s Holiday – Part 06

Fourth-Quarter Tickle Blitz

By Jack

Yo, Bud –

Got a little challenge here for ya.

Time to see how tough you are, and what yer endurance is like.

You man enough to accept the challenge, or you gonna wimp out right now?

It’s just a little game, dude. You like engaging another jock in a little friendly sport, don’t ya? May the better MAN win.

Here’s the deal:

You are down here on a Friday night. We got tickets for Rangers/Leafs at the Garden on Saturday night. We been drinking beers, horsing around, bullshitting one another, when I toss out this game idea. You lose, you gotta wear… you know which jersey to the game and root for…you know which team (GO, RANGERS! YO!)

Here’s the game plan: You get tied for four quarters, with a break between each quarter. Simple little endurance challenge. Each quarter lasts an hour. No sweat for you, right, tuff guy? You hold out for four hours, you win. You win, and I got to pay a penalty. Any penalty you come up with, no matter what it is. No questions, no backing out.

Continue reading Fourth-Quarter Tickle Blitz

Reader challenge from Master Mike


Master Mike writes,

Dear Metal,

I have come up with a challenge for your readers. I have a pair of handcuffs that I have welded the key holes closed (picture attached). Once they’re on, they will not be coming off without some serious effort. If any of your readers are willing to take up the challenge, then they will win a brand new pair of tuff cuffs. All they have to do is put the cuffs on and post the picture to your website. I will mail the welded cuffs to anyone in the USA willing to take the challenge. Maybe Chuck? He is not one to pass up a challenge. Hope to hear from you soon.



Thanks, Master Mike! I hope some brave guy is willing to take the challenge! If anyone is gullible brave enough, send me an email and I will put you in touch!

UPDATE: The cuffs are spoken for. The results will appear on Metalbond in the near future!