I had lunch today with NYC-based gay leather activist, writer, publisher and educator David Stein, who is heading to the Bay Area later this month, where he has two speaking engagements booked. See below for details.

San Francisco Leathermen’s Discussion Group Program
The skin is by far the largest organ in the human body, but most SM techniques evoke only a small fraction of its potential for painful pleasure. Abrasion can be exquisitely calibrated from sensuous to excruciating, and a long, patient brushing can leave your bottom’s skin so sensitive that simply breathing on it will make him shriek!
When and Where
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013, 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Mister S Studio, 385A 8th Street, San Francisco
Click HERE for details.
Presentation at Northwest Leather Celebration (May 17-19 in San Jose)
If you want to do “the right thing” in a BDSM play space or a kinky relationship, but aren’t always sure what that is, come to this workshop. It’s not about “imposing rules” or “setting standards” but about ideas you can use to make your play and relationships more fulfilling.
When and Where
Northwest Leather Celebration
Saturday, May 18, 4 – 5:30 pm
San Jose
Click HERE for details.
You can read more about David Stein by clicking here and here. You can also find him on FetLife.