By mclioncub
Recently, I made a voluntary decision to miss my scheduled visitation with Sir. I knew that I risked the chance that punishment would result but I took that chance. Just to provide a little background, I am in servitude to Sir and Master. Although I do not live in their household, I am required to be there every Sunday without exception. Outside of death or incarceration, there is no acceptable reason for missing this schedule. There were some extraneous circumstances that led up to missing my duties, however, when it ultimately came down to this Sunday, I could have completed my visit. Without going into inconsequential details, suffice it to say, I made the decision to miss that day.
As the week progressed, before my next visit, during our daily exchanges, Sir did indicate that I should expect some form of punishment for my disobedience. I was not surprised or taken back by the fact that I would have to receive punishment.
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