Tag Archives: electro

Electro stimulation equipment: Standard Pads from E-Stim Systems

Check out the Standard Pads, available from E-Stim Systems. These quality electrodes are made of top-quality materials, with a medical-grade, low-allergy adhesive. To use, simply peel off the carrier sheet, stick to the skin and connect up. As these are monopole electrodes, you will need to use two pads at a time. The pads can be stuck to most dry skin surfaces. There is no need to use conductive gel with self-adhesive electrodes. Once you have finished, peel carefully from the skin and stick back onto the carrier sheet. The sticky pads are generally re-usable with care, but they are classed as a disposable item. Each pad is fitted with a 2mm/TENS socket on a “small flying lead” which will fit all E-Stim control units with the basic cables supplied, and most TENS-style units with a TENS pin connector.

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Click for E-Stim Systems — where you can use code “METALBOND” at checkout to save 10 percent on your order*

*Offer is good for one time only

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A captive twink with a huge cock gets zapped by a sadistic Master

Meanwhile at Bad Boy Bondage, Master Devon has Joseph roped to the table, and the sub’s uncut cock sticks straight up in anticipation of what is ahead: testicle and nip torture! Joseph squirms and squeals through his ballgag, but to no avail. There’s nothing he can do as handsome dom Devon enjoys himself and plays with his cock, zapping the twink into submission.

Master Devon has Joseph roped to the table

VIDEO at Bad Boy Bondage

Title of this video: Zapping His Uncut Twink Cock

Master Devon has Joseph roped to the table

Electro Pebble from E-Stim Systems

discount code on e-stimAvailable from E-Stim Systems, the Electro Pebble is supplied inside a custom foam-lined protective case to help protect your valuable e-stim collection from damage. Inside the pack, you get an E-Stim Systems ElectroPebble power box, a pair of 2mm/TENS connection cables, a set of four self-adhesive electro pads, a 9v PP3 battery, a guarantee registration card, a quick start guide and a users manual.

BONUS: Use discount code “METALBOND” to save 10 percent on your order at checkout*

*Offer is good for one time only

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