Tag Archives: handcuffs
Arresting officers
Here are some pictures of hot men who look like they know how to use handcuffs. They are my kind of men, if you ask me.
Yeah, I stole a number of these pics off various internet sites. If you got a problem with that, come and arrest me. Bring your cuffs, and they better be high-security or hinged or else I will bust out of them.
Corrections Officer Buddy
By Tex
So I have this buddy who’s a corrections officer, known him for a while now. I’ve always liked him, he’s a cool guy. I go over to his house to watch the game and have some drinks. I knock on the door he lets me in, hey man how r u? He shakes my hand and pulls me in the house, it’s just his way of being friendly. I say I’m great, ready for some drinks and the game, he says yea me too, I just got off work. He’s still in his uniform.
Show me your cuffs
Show me your cuffs
Handcuffed men of the day
levi501guy in handcuffs and leg cuffs
Check out the pictures of this guy chained up in military gear.
He’s on GearFetish as levi501guy
Handcuffed men of the day