Tag Archives: hogties

Isaac submits to a hogtied tickling session

August talked his friend Isaac into getting tied up for the My Friends Feet site. Isaac said he didn’t think he was very ticklish since he hadn’t been tickled by anyone in a long time — and never where he was restricted (like, say, by a hog tie). It turns out that Isaac’s big size 12 soles are very, very ticklish and he may never trust his friend August again. If he ever gets free.

Isaac submits to a hogtied tickling session

VIDEO at My Friends Feet

Scene Title: Isaac

Scene Short Description: Isaac Tickled

Tickling, Barefoot, Video, Tickle, Bare Feet, Videos, Bondage

A Day on the Market

By Cutieboy90

All they needed was for someone to hold the sign for the flower stall at the Sunday market.

But it’s never that simple, not with Master Skylar involved.

Mitch sniffed in mild discomfort as the cool morning air and flower pollen tickled his nose. He’d grab a tissue, and maybe some Claritin, but his hands were tied. Literally.

Locked in a bulky wooden yoke, Mitch couldn’t move his hands within two feet of his head. As if that wasn’t enough, his hands had also been locked into thickly padded leather mitts before being placed in the yoke. The mitts couldn’t even be accessed unless the yoke was removed, and of course the only person with the key to unlock the yoke was… Master Skylar.

“It’s for publicity,” Skylar had said. “Just stand on the corner for a few hours, get people’s attention, and they’ll come buy flowers.”

Continue reading A Day on the Market

Waiting For Him

By Jaybird

I miss Craigslist “casual encounters.”

My ad was simple.

It was titled: “Help me relax by hogtying me. [M4M]” That left no doubt what I was looking for, so only people who were at least mildly interested would even bother clicking through to the ad itself.

Then something like: “It’s going to be a stressful week. I’m looking for someone willing to keep me hogtied naked for a few hours one evening this week. YOU MUST HOST” with a photo if, not surprisingly, me hogtied naked. I always got some kind of response, though most were outright red flags, and most of the remaining ones finally admitted they couldn’t host.

And now and then one like this:

Continue reading Waiting For Him

Pictures and video: Hogtied in rubber while gagged with a Silencilicone gag

A rubber bondage prisoner gets hogtied in locking metal while his mouth is stuffed with a Silencilicone gag.

See below for a video, courtesy Mark from Serious Male Bondage:

Hogtied in rubber while gagged with a Silencilicone ga

Hogtied in rubber while gagged with a Silencilicone ga

he wanted a better gag that would fill his mouth, be effective in preventing talking, and was safe to use by not triggering a gag reflex


Mark writes of the manufacturer of the Silencilicone gags:

“I consider [this] to be the ‘next generation’ of kink products because he uses digital printing and liquid silicone to cast his gags. No longer do we need to find red rubber balls to make gags out of! He invented his gags out of necessity; he wanted a better gag that would fill his mouth, be effective in preventing talking, and was safe to use by not triggering a gag reflex.”

See MORE video and pictures at Serious Male Bondage


The gag is available from Silencilicone

A prisoner in full rubber is hogtied in locking metal while gagged with a Silencilicone gag

A prisoner in full rubber is hogtied in locking metal while gagged with a Silencilicone gag

The gag is available from Silencilicone