Tag Archives: how-to

Class tomorrow: How to turn your favorite underwear into latex underwear

The folks over at NYC’s Purple Passion are offering a class at 2 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday April 13) on “Patterning for Latex”



This class (30 bucks) is at Purple Passion in NYC.

They say you can bring in your favorite latex, spandex, lycra, underwear, athletic wear or swimwear and make a pattern for the latex garment of your dreams! Alternatively, you can choose from an easy-to-create pattern and customize it to emphasize your best assets.

For details on this class (open to all sexes and sexual orientations), click here.


Men’s Group for Novices in S/M offered in New York City

**I posted this before, and I am told there are still spots available**

For those of you in NYC who are interested in learning more about S/M, a special educational opportunity is available starting in January 2014. A novices course is being led by my friend Gil. It is an excellent opportunity to learn in a safe and supportive environment. I know, because I took this course myself, many years back. It meets Sunday afternoons in January, February and March and it covers the basics like rope bondage, spanking and flogging, to more advanced play like electro and mummification.

See below for specific details.



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TES (The Eulenspiegel Society) is sponsoring the Men’s Group Series for NOVICES in S/M, beginning January 5, 2014


For the 25th year, Gil K will conduct a course consisting of 6 four-hour S/M workshops for both “Tops” and “bottoms” who have little or no experience (or who simply want to brush up on their skills). It is open to men who are at least 19 years of age, and is limited to 24 attendees maximum. You do not have to be gay or a TES member, but attendees must feel comfortable being nude at times (sessions 3, 4, 5, and 6) and working with other men. Everyone participates as both top and bottom, as we demonstrate and workshop everything in a way that is enjoyable, fun, but educational.

Among the areas covered will be basic bondage, spanking and flogging, tit and genitorture, rope harnesses, things that pinch, mummification, and electricity (see the schedule below). The course meets every other Sunday afternoon from 3-7 pm, beginning January 5. There is a one-time fee of $30 for TES members or $40 for non-members that covers all the supplies, notes, and refreshments for the course.

Here is the schedule:

1. Intro to S/M; Being a Good Top/bottom; Basic Rope Bondage, 1/5/14

2. Spanking and Flogging; handout: Caning, 1/19/14

3. Gags/Blindfolds; Tit Play & Genitorture (including Abrasion & Bruising), 2/2/14

4. Rope Harnesses; Things That Pinch; Orchestrating the Scene (& Role Play and Fantasies), 2/16/14

5. Mummification, 3/2/14

6. Basic Electricity for Pleasure; Round Table Discussion, 3/16/14


For more information or to apply, contact Gil at novices2014@yahoo.com, and leave your name and phone number. Gil will get back to you quickly.

Only those officially signed up for the course may attend, and no new people are added after session 2. It is not a “pick-and-choose” course, so do not apply unless you can attend most of the sessions (check with Gil about other attendance requirements). The workshops are held at Gil’s home in the West Village in New York City. If you are interested, make contact as soon as possible to reserve a place.



How to build a bamboo cage

I would never advocate keeping a prisoner against his will, or putting anyone in restraints who does not WANT to be restrained. However, I must admit, many times I have beat off thinking about American prisoners of war in Vietnam, being kept tied up or locked in small, uncomfortable cages. Is that wrong?

gay bondage


A while back, CREUSS sent along a set of instructions on how to build a bamboo cage. Batard4skin writes:


Cages are a sort of cubic box. As you know, in tropical regions, bamboo grows fast, easily and is very solid. You can make many thinks with bamboo.

You cut the bamboo sticks first, and you make a sort of ladder crossing the two main bars with smaller ones, and you tie them all with leaves you pick up on some plants (can’t remember the name now). Those natural ties are really solid and efficient.

To prevent the bars from slipping, you make some cuttings in the bamboo, to keep it in place.

gay bondage

You make four equal panels like this, then two smaller ones. Then you build the box.

When you tie the panels together, they are firmly held. The bamboo is flexible enough not to break easily, or if you have some pressure on it.

As you are normally hands tied up in your back in such a cage, it is really escape-proof.



Thanks for the information, CREUSS!


To purchase the book, click here

GMSMA NewsLink

!NewsLink49-50Before I had this website, waaaaaay back a long time ago, I was a member of Gay Male SM Activists (GMSMA), a New York City-based organization. GMSMA aimed to promote safe, sane and consensual SM through three “pillars” — education, activism and social activities. Sadly, GMSMA closed up shop a few years back. (To read about that, click here.)

I was editor of NewsLink, the newsletter for GMSMA, for about five years, and I was recently going through some boxes of old stuff and I came across a bunch of old issues. Here is a sampling:

NewsLink_inside_JocksSM NewsLink_inside_TattooJourney_cover NewsLink_inside_TattooJourney_inside NewsLink45 NewsLink56I did not want to throw my extra copies away, so Hilton over at Purple Passion here in NYC graciously agreed to distribute them. You can stop by Purple Passion, located at 211 West 20th Street just west of 7th Avenues in Manhattan, and pick up a copy.

While you;re at it, you might want to buy something, because they are having a huge sale this week. They also have a very large stock of vintage magazines available for really cheap.

Click the box below for the Purple Passion website:


If you stop in, be sure to tell them that Metalbond sent you!