Tag Archives: KinkMen

New James Franco movie is homage to 1980 Al Pacino movie ‘Cruising’

Apparently there is a new movie coming out starring James Franco, called ‘Interior. Leather Bar.’ They say the movie is inspired by the 1980 crime thriller ‘Cruising’ starring the great Al Pacino.

It features Master Avery of Bound Gods and Bound In Public.

There’s no word yet on whether Mr. Franco will next appear in a Bound Gods movie (we can only hope). You can read more about the new movie on Ruff’s Stuff blog and Mr Kristofer.

Also check out this posting here on Metalbond about the original movie.

The Barn

By slavebladeboi

Part 1

He entered the building slowly, opening the door just a few inches at first. A dim diffused light made its way through the high window that was covered with dust from years past. He was sure this was the place, the place he had heard the noise come from only yesterday evening, that muffled scream which stretched out for several seconds then stopped abruptly.

The old barn was the only building across the fields, he must be right.

Continue reading The Barn

How the Army Buried Me in the Ground


stories by CREUSSHere is a real story again.

It happened about 25 years ago when I was a soldier. I spent 7 years in the army from age 17 to age 24. We were all professionals, that has to be said, as the military service still existed in those days. As the “elite” of the army, discipline was hard and rough so punishment for misconduct or any failure could be severely inflicted.  We were quite often training in battlefield conditions. Usually, it was a matter of 3 nights and 4 days per training session but it could be longer, of course.

You probably noticed that when you are in a barracks, there is always a place used and/or called the “prison.”  It is not always pleasant to visit, but it happens.  Anyway, when you are outdoors for a few days, there isn’t a fixed prison, so the officers (I am unable to share with you the exact division of the army that I belonged to, let it suffice to say that we were the crème de la crème and the best of the best) have found a simple way to handle “convicts” for over a century – sorry, no pix available.

Here is my first experience:

Actually, I will start my story as my punishment began.  All day long, we were undergoing map reading and compass training. But for some reason I got lost and got back to the campsite quite late – far too late, actually.  I was yelled at until my commander was hoarse and would be punished overnight for my inability to follow orders.

Continue reading How the Army Buried Me in the Ground


By Prisoner

When the game becomes pain and the fantasy real.

I was 19 when I first came out to California from Iowa. It was simple, really, I moved to San Francisco because I couldn’t take Des Moines any longer. Even now, there’s not a whole lot a gay kid can do in Iowa. I figure I’m pretty good looking, light brown hair, hazel eyes and a smooth swimmers build. In fact, in high school I was captain of the swim team. Anyway, I figured I’d do alright in the Gay capital of the world.

Continue reading Games