Hey guys check out the message I got from a reader of this site and my response:
Dear Metal,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your website. It’s always a good, hot read! The redesign looks great and thanks for all the work you put into it for the greater good. I just spent 5 hours reading stories that have had me horny the entire read! Keep up the awesome work!
Dear Donal,
I am really glad that you were lured into my trap — reading the stories for hours and hours. That’s the way I designed the site, to keep guys like you “chained” to your computer screen.
Heh, heh, heh
And for all of you story readers out there, good news! As promised, I just added a brand new “Locker Room Tales” installment by Marknorth. You can find it in the Prison Library, under Marknorth’s sub-tab and also under Newest Stories.
Enjoy! And be sure to leave feedback!